Implementing agency: ISS – Institute for Security Studies
Project timeframe: 01/02/2014 – 31/12/2014
Target countries: Tanzania, Malawi, Swaziland, (Lesotho)
Goal: Promote human security in Africa by providing technical and capacity building assistance to all governmental, inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations involved in the ratification of ATT.
Activities and Outputs:
Meetings took place in Swaziland, Tanzania and Malawi (only preliminary meeting held in Lesothos, due to political circumstances). All three countries agreed on national road maps during the meetings.
Roadmap for ATT Ratification in Malawi:
- Establish a working committee of key stakeholders to oversee the process of the ratification and domestication of the ATT in Malawi.
- Organize a sensitization meeting for key stakeholders in order to deepen understanding of the provision of the ATT and its implementation in Malawi.
- Establish an online (e-mail) network consisting of representatives of the key stakeholders.
- Receive information on the ATT and model legislation from the Institute for Security Studies.
- Organize a sensitization meeting for Principal Secretaries in all Government Ministries including the Clerk of Parliament, the Malawi Defence Force Commander and the Inspector General of Police as well as Principals from the Public Universities in Malawi.
- Draft a Plan of Action that should stipulate the activities, roles and time frames for processes leading to the ratification and domestication of the ATT in Malawi.
Overview of projects selected in 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | special circumstances projects