UNSCAR: UN Trust Facility Supporting Cooperation on Arms Regulation

UNSCAR is a flexible multi-donor, quick-impact, theme-focused, United Nations-managed fund supporting arms regulation.

The application period for the 2024 Call for Proposals has been extended until 30 June 2024. See below for more details.

UNSCAR aims to:

  • mobilize resources to support the ratification/accession and implementation of relevant international instruments on arms regulations;
  • improve effectiveness of assistance through coordination, monitoring and matching of resources;
  • promote increased sustainability through more predictable sources of funding.

Who is eligible for funding?

Civil society organizations (CSOs/NGOs), research institutes, UN partners, international/regional organizations. Governments wishing to receive assistance should work with an eligible applicant.

2024 CALL FOR PROPOSALS (deadline extended until 30 June 2024)

UNSCAR 2024 Call for Proposals is open for applications until 31 May 2024. Please go through the following documents for instructions. Submissions should be made to unscar-unoda@un.org via e-mail with a subject line ‘2024 Call for Proposals: [short/abbreviated name of applicant organization]’.

A briefing session is scheduled for Friday, 7 June from 9 to 10 am (NY-EDT=UTC-4). Please request a link to the online meeting: unscar-unoda@un.org.

2024 Call for Contributions

UNSCAR seeks financial contributions for the 2022 funding cycle from governments and private sector. Donors will join UNSCAR’s Strategic Planning Group to provide policy guidance for UNSCAR and to discuss selection of proposals.