On 30 January 2024, UNODA Vienna Office organized another Vienna Conversation Series (VCS) Event on “Non-proliferation, disarmament & global governance: The role of the Vienna Community in the preparations for the Summit of the Future and beyond”. The event aimed at raising awareness of the Summit of the Future, to be held on 22 and 23 September 2024 in New York. Specifically, the Summit seeks to accelerate efforts to meet our existing international commitments and take concrete steps to respond to emerging challenges and opportunities, to be achieved through an action-oriented Pact for the Future, to be agreed by Member States. The VCS Event was held at a timely moment, with the zero draft of the Pact for the Future having been released only a few days before on 26 January.
The high-level speakers, including the High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, Ms. Izumi Nakamitsu, senior representatives from Vienna-based organizations and the Pact’s co-facilitators – Germany and Namibia – underscored how much the Vienna community can contribute, with relevant expertise and experience, including in the areas of international peace and security as well as sustainable development.
The episode as an audio file can accessed here and the video recording of the episode can be viewed here.