Examining Options to Enhance Common Understanding to Strengthen End User/r Controls

Implementing agency:  United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research

Project timeframe: 02/02/2015 – 31/01/2016

Target countries: Global

Goal: Explored opportunities for greater harmonization of end use/r control systems in order to combat arms diversion and identify key aspects, challenges and opportunities in this area.

Activities and Outputs:



  • As part of the study over 40 states participated in UNIDIR’s global survey: ‘UNIDIR Survey for Examining Options for Cooperation to Strengthen End Use/r Control Systems’. Informal consultations were held with industry representatives in the margins of the ATT Preparatory Committee in Geneva in 2015.


  • UNIDIR organized a round table side event at the UNGA in October 2015 and a side event at the First Conference of the State Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty in August 2015 to examine options to enhance cooperation and strengthen end use/r control systems.





Overview of projects selected in 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | special circumstances projects