Implementing agency: Action on Armed Violence (AOAV)
Project timeframe: 01/01/2015 – 30/06/2016
Target countries: Burundi and Democratice Republic of the Congo (DRC)
Goal: Combating and preventing the illicit trade of SALW in the border regions of DRC and Burundi.
Activities and Outputs:

- An initial workshop with 98 government and civil society representatives from Burundi and DRC facilitated the formation of a Burundi-DRC working group on the illicit cross-border trafficking in SALW and training the group for their border assessment. ‘Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Come Together for First Time in Landmark Meeting to Combat Illicit Trade in Weapons’.
- Advocacy campaigns supporting ratification of the ATT were conducted in both countries and outreach activities including media and lobbying were undertaken. ‘AOAV Works with Civil Society and the Small Arms Commissions of Burundi and DRC to Advocate for the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)’.
AOAV Conducted Assessments:

In March 2015 AOAV, in partnership with the SALW Commissions in Burundi and DRC (CNAP and CNC-ALPC respectively), conducted a field assessment of communities and border posts on both sides of the Burundi – DRC border. The assessment was successful in producing a deeper understanding of the particular characteristics of illicit SALW trafficking across the Burundi – DRC border.

Following on-site visits to official and unofficial border points of the two countries. AOAV published ‘Assessment Report on Cross-Border Small Arms and Light Weapons Trafficking between the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Burundi’. It highlights trends and trafficking routes along the DRC-Burundi border and provides recommendations to combat the trafficking of SALW between Burundi and the DRC which has formed the basis of a bilateral action plan for the two countries.
Joint Action Plan:

In line with the assessment report, a ‘Joint Action Plan on combatting and preventing the illicit trade in SALW in the border regions of DRC and Burundi’ was developed and tabled for discussions and revisions during working group meetings. The Action Plan was approved by the working groups from both countries in a meeting on 24 September 2015, and awaits official signatures, taking into account respective internal procedures and the present security situation in the regions.
Overview of projects selected in 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | special circumstances projects