UNSCAR: UN Trust Facility Supporting Cooperation on Arms Regulation
UNSCAR is a flexible multi-donor fund supporting the implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) and the Programme of Action on small arms and light weapons (PoA).
UNSCAR aims to:
- mobilise resources to support the ratification/accession and implementation of the ATT and the implementation of the PoA;
- improve effectiveness of assistance through better coordination, monitoring and matching of resources;
- promote increased sustainability through more predictable sources of funding.
General Assembly
GA Resolutions
- Preventing and combating illicit brokering activites
- The illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects
- Assistance to States for curbing the illicit traffic in small arms and light weapons and collecting them
- Consolidation of peace through practical disarmament measures
- Promoting development through the reduction and prevention of armed violence (2008)
- Addressing the negative humanitarian and development impact of the illicit manufacture, transfer and circulation of
- small arms and light weapons and their excessive accumulation (2006)
SG Report
- The illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects (2016)
- Recent developments in small arms and light weapons manufacturing, technology and design and implications for the implementation of the International Instrument
- Promoting development through the reduction and prevention of armed violence
Expert group report
Security Council
Human Rights Council
Call for Proposals
2017 Call for proposals closed on 31 July 2017.
The next annual call for proposals will be open in June/July 2018.
The details will be announced on this website.
Who is eligible for funding
UN partners, international/regional organizations, NGOs, research institutes. Governments wishing to receive assistance should work with an eligible applicant.
In the 2013, nine projects were selected for funding with a total budget of $902,836, of which eight projects were selected through
the annual Call for Proposals process. UNSCAR funded one special-circumstances project in this cycle.
To find out more about each project, please click on the project title below.
- CARICOM: Technical Support to CARICOM Member States in Ratification and Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty
- Chatham House: Maximizing the Potential of the ATT: Supporting Treaty Ratifications Leading to Early Entry Into Force and Effective Implementation
- ISS: ATT and UNPoA Implementation and Compliance Support
- MAG: Practical Disarmament Initiative
- PFSALW: Enhance ATT and UNPoA Implementation by South-South Parliamentary Exchange and Cooperation
- PGA: National Awareness and Advocacy for Domestication of the ATT
- RECSA: Mobilizing RECSA Member States to Sign, Ratify and Implement the ATT
- Stimson Center: Ensuring Success: Laying the Foundation for Effective Implementation of the ATT
In this cycle, UNSCAR funded activities to spur the momentum toward the entry-into-force of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).
Projects focused on Asia and the Pacific, Africa, and Latin America and the Caribbean.
A total of 51 member states benefited directly or indirectly from UNSCAR-funded activities in the 2013-2014 implementation cycle.
In 2014, 19 projects were selected for funding with a total budget of $3,120,204, of which 18 projects were selected
through the annual Call for Proposals process. UNSCAR funded one special-circumstances project in this project cycle.
- AFP: Advancing ATT and PoA implementation in the Pacific
- AOAV: Combating and preventing the illicit trade of SALW in the border regions of DRC and Burundi
- CARICOM: CARICOM model legislation for the implementation of the ATT
- GCSP: Building capacity for effective implementation of the ATT
- GUNPOLICY: Advancing PoA and ATT progress at Global, Regional and Community Levels
- HIF: PSSM and SALW training for French speaking African countries
- IPIS: E-learning digital education package to support the early ratification and effective implementation of the ATT
- ISS: Ratification and implementation of ATT and PoA in selected African States
- PGA: Promoting the signing, ratification and implementation of the ATT in the in the Pacific Island and Latin America
- PPS: National implementation of the ATT in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Saferworld: Supporting and promoting African and global ATT implementation
- SAS: Roadmaps for harmonised PoA and ATT implementation
- Stimson: Laying the foundations for facilitating assistance and capacity-building for effective implementation of the ATT
- UNIDIR: Examining options to enhance common understanding to strengthen end use/r controls
- UNODC: Increased ratification and implementation of the ATT, PoA and other relevant and complementary instruments
- UNRCPD: Target insight: Promoting ATT ratification and PoA implementation in the Asia-Pacific through building capacity and best practices
- UNREC: Ratification and implementation of the ATT
- WILPF: Promoting gender perspectives in the ATT and PoA