Advancing the Process to Negotiate a Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty: The Role of States in the African, Asia-Pacific and Latin American and Caribbean Regions
Project Report

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UN Publications
From June 2018 to December 2019, the European Union and the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs held a series of regional workshops and expert meetings to promote participation in the high-level fissile material cut off treaty (FMCT) expert preparatory group consultative process by States in Africa, in Asia and the Pacific and in Latin America and the Caribbean. This Occasional Paper offers a review of the project’s outcome, as well as perspectives shared by participants in its workshops and expert meetings. For additional context, a brief introduction to the purpose and history of the proposed treaty is also provided.
Jean du Preez
Product Details
ISBN: 9978‐92‐1‐139200‐5
eISBN: 978‐92‐1‐005674‐8
Sales No.: E.21.IX.2
Publication date: May 2021