The UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) Gender Policy provides a framework for the Office facilitate progress on gender-responsive disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation and contribute to gender equality and elimination of gender-based violence. The Policy outlines the roles and responsibilities of all UNODA personnel at all duty stations and seeks to provide them with common commitments and priorities for gender-responsive programmes, initiatives and institutional practices. The Policy aims to:
- Enhance diversity and enhance gender parity and women’s equal, full and effective participation and leadership in disarmament and arms control bodies and discussions.
- Advocacy and build capacities for gender perspectives in all areas of disarmament and arms control and integration of disarmament in gender equality and WPS frameworks
- Strengthen UNODA’s internal capacity for gender analysis and gender mainstreaming
UN accountability framework on gender mainstreaming
UNODA reports annually on the United Nations accountability framework for gender mainstreaming – the UN-SWAP. The framework consists of seventeen performance indicators based on intergovernmental mandates. uses a five-point rating scale ranging from “not applicable” to “exceeds requirements” for every indicator. This allows progress to be defined uniformly, measured progressively, and articulated aspirationally.
UNODA results UN-SWAP 2021

Gender parity in UNODA
UNODA implements the UN Strategy on Gender Parity to achieve parity for all UN staff by the year 2028. UNODA set its own targets and implement Temporary Special Measures and report according to ST/AI/2020/5 in combnation with inclusive recruitment practices, targeted talent management, and to create an inclusive and empowering work environment in line with UN Enabling Environment Guidelines. UNODA is committed to not only achieving gender parity, but fostering a more diverse workforce and inclusive culture.

“In challenging times, we must find new and creative ways to ensure sustainable peace for all. Gender equality is not only a moral imperative and fundamental human right, but also a powerful tool to accelerate progress for disarmament and control. I call for diversity and gender parity in all disarmament processes and decision-making” – Under Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, Ms. Izumi Nakamitsu
The UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs is an International Gender Champion and partake in a leadership network that brings together decision-makers determined to break down gender barriers and make gender equality a working reality in their spheres of influence. Through the network, the High Representative is committed to:
- Not take part in any single-sex panels, through the IGC Panel Parity Pledge.
- Stand up against sexism through the non-Gender-Based Violence Pledge.