In celebration of the fortieth anniversary of the Vienna International Centre (VIC), the building opened its door to visitors. On Sunday 8 September, over three thousand guests were introduced to the crucial work undertaken by Vienna based organisations in the promotion of global security, human rights and sustainable development. Home to five thousand employees from over 125 countries, the VIC, also known as ‘UNO City’, sits at the forefront of European and international diplomacy. The high turnout for this special event was evidence of the public’s growing interest in global security and diplomacy. Each entity was given an opportunity to expose and discuss its activities to a crowd of inquisitive visitors. The UNODA Office in Vienna was there.
The building was officially inaugurated by the Austrian government on the 23rd of August 1979 after a six-year construction period. Among more than 20 organisations hosted today at the VIC are the International Atomic Energy and the CTBTO Preparatory Commission.

The UN Office for Disarmament Affairs in Vienna (UNODA), established its Liaison Office in 2011 to facilitate closer cooperation with Vienna based organisations, ensuring effective interaction across all areas of disarmament. In addition to its focus on liaison and partnerships, its activities include capacity building and awareness raising through its promotion of education disarmament events and training workshops.
Many visitors expressed their curiosity towards disarmament projects, how disarmament functions, our educational programs and our ability to cooperate with other organisations. With the help of our stand, promotional posters and educational videos, the Vienna team answered a variety of questions relating to nuclear disarmament and the management of conventional weapons.

A specific focus was put on presenting the disarmament agenda introduced by the Secretary General in 2018 – Securing our Common Future. By addressing an entire range of disarmament issues, the agenda seeks to generate fresh perspectives and strengthen world-wide partnerships. Spotlight was also given to the development of the education dashboard which hosts a range of comprehensive training courses on disarmament and non-proliferation related issues.