A Disarmament Agenda for the Twenty-first Century: UN-China Disarmament Conference
Beijing, China, 2-4 April 2002

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This publication presents in edited form the statements made at the UN-China Disarmament Conference entitled “A Disarmament Agenda for the Twenty-first Century”.
Tang Jiaxuan, Jayantha Dhanapala, Mark A. Groombridge, Ramesh Thakur, Hans-Joachim Daerr, Ronald McCoy, Qiao Zonghuai, Lloyd Axworthy, Miguel Marín-Bosch, M. Javad Zarif, Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge, William Paterson, Jody Williams
Product Details
ISBN: n.a.
Sales No.: n.a.
Publication date: October 2002