Fashioning Future History (pictures)

80th Anniversary of the World Disarmament Conference


Director-General Participates in Opening of Exhibition “Fashioning Future History: 80th Anniversary of the World Disarmament Conference”
14 February 2012

The Director-General opened the exhibition “Fashioning Future History: 80th Anniversary of the World Disarmament Conference” at the League of Nations Museum at the Palais des Nations. He highlighted the work done by the World Conference to lay the groundwork for the post- World War II disarmament efforts of the international community and disarmament achievements, both multilateral and bilateral. The Director-General noted that the lessons of the World Conference are applicable today to the Conference on Disarmament (CD) and urged Member States of the CD to restore the Conference to the central role it can and must play in strengthening the rule of law in the field of disarmament.


“Fashioning Future History: 80th Anniversary of the World Disarmament Conference”
Remarks by Mr. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
United Nations Under-Secretary-General
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

Opening of the Exhibition “Fashioning Future History:

80th Anniversary of the World Disarmament Conference”

Palais des Nations, League of Nations Museum,

Geneva, 14 February 2012

Photos of the Exhibit


Panels of the Exhibit