Coordination Workshop in Geneva paves the way for successful project implementation

A Coordination Workshop for the Project on ‘Supporting Universalization and Effective Implementation of the BWC in Africa’ was held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 26-27 July 2022. It was organized by UNODA’s Implementation Support Unit for the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC ISU), with funding from the Global Partnership Against the Spread of Materials and Weapons of Mass Destruction.   

The four-year project is being implemented by the BWC ISU from 2022 until 2026 with funding from the Global Partnership. The project aims at increasing the number of African States Parties as well as submissions of BWC Confidence-Building Measures and national contact point designations by African States Parties. It also aims at enhancing the status of BWC implementing legislation in countries in the region. 

The BWC ISU is currently in Phase 1 of the project, which focuses on developing the strategic and conceptual framework for implementation. In this context, the workshop sought to gather feedback from key project partners on the proposed implementation framework for the project so that best practices and lessons learned from relevant programmes in Africa may be taken into account, while ensuring a harmonized and coordinated approach with such programmes when implementing project activities. 

Overall, 42 participants from 16 States Parties, four regional or international organizations, three UN entities and four NGOs attended the event. As the largest project implemented to date by the BWC ISU, a strategic implementation approach is crucial to ensure the achievement of project goals. Thanks to the valuable contributions from participants, the workshop enabled the BWC ISU to gather useful input as it moves towards implementing regional and national activities in support of universalization and effective implementation of the BWC in Africa during Phase 2 of the project. 

The next major activity under the project will be a regional workshop for Eastern Africa scheduled to be held in Kenya in October 2022. 

A summary report can be found here.