Le Conseil consultatif pour les questions de désarmement a été créé en 1978 en application du paragraphe 124 du Document final de la dixième session extraordinaire de l’Assemblée générale, et il est actuellement doté du mandat que l’Assemblée générale lui a assigné dans sa décision 54/418 du 1er décembre 1999. Le Conseil assume les fonctions suivantes:
- Conseiller le Secrétaire général sur les questions entrant dans le domaine de la limitation des armements et du désarmement, y compris au sujet d’études et de recherches effectuées sous les auspices de l’Organisation des Nations Unies ou d’institutions du système des Nations Unies
- Remplir les fonctions de Conseil d’administration de l’Institut des Nations Unies pour la recherche sur le désarmement (UNIDIR)
- Conseiller le Secrétaire général au sujet de l’application du Programme d’information des Nations Unies en matière de désarmement

Le Secrétaire général choisit les membres du Conseil dans toutes les régions du monde pour leurs connaissances et leur expérience sur le terrain dans le domaine du désarmement et de la sécurité internationale. Le Conseil se composait de 15 membres en 2014. Le Directeur de l’Institut est membre de droit.
Dans son rôle de Conseil d’administration de l’Institut des Nations Unies pour la recherche sur le désarmement, le Conseil consultatif examine les rapports sur les travaux de l’Institut, y compris les projets achevés et en cours, les questions relatives au personnel et les questions financières, et les plans futurs. Pour de plus amples informations sur l’Institut, voir son site Web à http://www.unidir.org
Le Conseil consultatif tient deux sessions par an, à tour de rôle à New York et à Genève. Le Conseil adopte son ordre du jour sur la base des demandes d’avis du Secrétaire général sur des questions de désarmement spécifiques et des recommandations formulées par le Conseil concernant les points à examiner. Le président du Conseil, choisi selon le principe du roulement régional annuel, est chargé de présenter un rapport privé sur la session au Secrétaire général. En application de la résolution 38/183 O de l’Assemblée générale, en date du 20 décembre 1983 (A/RES/38/183), le Secrétaire général présente annuellement à l’Assemblée générale un rapport sur les travaux du Conseil consultatif.
- 62nd Session: 2 – 4 July 2014, Geneva
- Issues to be discussed
- Disarmament and security implications of emerging technologies
- Verification, with a special focus on verification technologies
- List of Members (PDF)
- Issues to be discussed
- 61th Session: 5 – 7 March 2014, New York
- Issues to be discussed
- Disarmament and security implications of emerging technologies
- Verification, with a special focus on verification technologies
- List of Members (PDF)
- Issues to be discussed
- 60th Session: 26 – 28 June 2013, Geneva
- Issues discussed
- The relations between the nuclear-weapon-free zones in advancing regional and global security
- Disarmament and security implications of emerging technologies
- List of Members (PDF)
- Issues discussed
- 59th Session: 27 February – 1 March 2013, New York
- Issues discussed
- The relations between the nuclear-weapon-free zones in advancing regional and global security
- Disarmament and security implications of emerging technologies
- List of Members (PDF)
- Issues discussed
- 58th Session: 04 – 06 July 2012, Geneva
- Issues discussed
- Conventional arms regulation: the future United nations architecture
- Follow-up discussions on the issue of the revitalization of the CD
- List of Members (PDF)
- Issues discussed
- 57th Session: 22 – 24 February 2012, New York
- Issue discussed
- Ways to improve the work of the Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters
- Conventional arms regulation: the future United Nations architecture
- List of Members (PDF)
- Issue discussed
- 56th Session: 29 June – 1 July 2011, Geneva
- Issue discussed
- Follow-up on the issue raised at the High-level Meeting, including inter alia the possible establishment of a High-level panel of eminent persons with special focus on the functioning of the Conference on Disarmament
- Report presented to the GA at its 66th session (2011)
- List of Members (PDF)
- Issue discussed
- 55th Session: 23-25 February 2011, New York
- Issue discussed
- Follow-up on the issue raised at the High-level Meeting, including inter alia the possible establishment of a High-level panel of eminent persons with special focus on the functioning of the Conference on Disarmament
- List of Members (PDF)
- Issue discussed
- 54th Session: 7-9 July 2010, Geneva
- Issues discussed
- Follow-up of action on the 2002 United Nations Study on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Education
- Exchange of views on the outcome of the 2010 NPT Review Conference
- Report presented to the GA at its 65th session (2010)
- List of Members (PDF)
- Issues discussed
- 53rd Session: 24-26 February 2010, New York
- Issues discussed
- Conceptual issues leading up to the 2010 NPT Review Conference
- Follow-up action on the 2002 United Nations Study on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Education
- List of Members (PDF)
- Issues discussed
- 52nd Session: 1-3 July 2009, Geneva
- Issues discussed
- Cyberwarfare and its impact on international security
- Ways to strengthen the field of verification, including the role of the United Nations
- Conceptual issues leading up to the 2010 NPT Review Conference
- Report presented to the GA at its 64th session (2009)
- List of Members (PDF)
- Issues discussed
- 51st Session: 18-20 February 2009, New York
- Issues discussed
- Cyberwarfare and its impact on international security
- Ways to strengthen the field of verification, including the role of the United Nations
- List of Members (PDF)
- Issues discussed
- 50th Session: 9-11 July 2008, Geneva
- Issues discussed
- Issues of energy security and environment in the field of disarmament and non-proliferation
- The ‘Hoover Plan’ for nuclear disarmament: Multilateralism and the UN dimension
- Emerging weapons technologies, including outer space aspects
- Report presented to the GA at its 63rd session (2008)
- List of Members (PDF)
- Issues discussed
- 49th Session: 20-22 February 2008, New York
- Issues discussed
- Issues of energy security and environment in the field of disarmament and non-proliferation
- The ‘Hoover Plan’ for nuclear disarmament: Multilateralism and the UN dimension
- Emerging weapons technologies, including outer space aspects
- List of Members (PDF)
- Issues discussed
- 48th Session: 16-18 July 2007, New York
- Issues discussed
- Review of ways to advance the disarmament agenda
- Emerging weapons technologies, including outer space aspects
- Report presented to the GA at its 62nd session (2007)
- List of Members (PDF)
- Issues discussed
- 47th Session: 21-23 June 2006, Geneva
- Issues discussed
- Building an International Security System: The Way Ahead
- Consolidating and Further Developing of International Norms on Small Arms and Light Weapons
- Report presented to the GA at its 61st session (2006)
- List of Members (PDF)
- Issues discussed
- 46th Session: 8-10 February 2006, New York
- Issues discussed
- Review of The Situation in the Field of Disarmament in the Light of the Decisions taken at the Summit held on the occasion of the Sixtieth Session of the General Assembly
- Measures to Prevent the Proliferation of Weapon Systems to Non-State Actors
- List of Members (PDF)
- Issues discussed
- 45th Session: 29 June-1 July 2005, Geneva
- Press release
- Issues discussed
- Challenges and Opportunities at the Regional Level in the areas of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Conventional Arms
- A Review of Disarmament Machinery
- Report presented to the GA at its 60th session (2005)
- List of Members (PDF)
- 44th Session: 23-25 February 2005, New York
- Press release
- Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters to address nuclear material control, small arms threat at forthcoming session in New York (DC/2945, 22 February 2005)
- Credibility of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty faces serious challenges, Secretary-General tells Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters (DC/2946, 23 February 2005)
- Issues discussed
- Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Fissile Material Control
- Regional Security and Global Norms: Small Arms and Light Weapons
- NGO briefing
- List of Members (PDF)
- Press release
- 43rd Session: 30 June-2 July 2004, Geneva
- Issues discussed
- Contribution of the Board to the work of the Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change
- Export controls
- Report presented to the GA at its 59th session (2004)
- List of Members (PDF)
- Issues discussed
- 42nd Session: 4-6 February 2004, New York
- Press release
- Disarmament Advisory Board to address terrorism, weapons of mass destruction at forthcoming New York session, 4-6 February (DC/2905, 3 February 2004)
- Multilateral approaches are effective in countering threat of mass destruction weapons, but serious gaps remain, Secretary-General tells Advisory Board (SG/SM/9144-DC/2906l, 4 February 2004)
- Disarmament Advisory Board to address terrorism, weapons of mass destruction at forthcoming New York session, 4-6 February (DC/2905, 3 February 2004)
- Issues discussed
- Disarmament and reconciliation in conflict prevention
- Terrorism and weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems
- NGO briefing
- List of Members (PDF)
- Press release
- 41st Session: 16-18 July 2003, Geneva
- Issues discussed
- Compliance, verification and enforcement of multilateral treaties
- Disarmament and human security
- Rising military expenditures
- Report presented to the GA at its 58th session
- List of Members (PDF)
- Issues discussed
- 40th Session: 5-7 February 2003, New York
- Press releases
- Issues discussed
- Disarmament and development
- Review of the functioning and effectiveness of the Board in the context of the 25th anniversary of its establishment
- Open source data for disarmament
- List of Members (PDF)
- 39th Session: 17-19 July 2002, Geneva
- Issues discussed
- Weaponization of outer space
- Preparedness of public health systems to deal with bio-terrorism
- Nuclear security and safety
- Disarmament and development
- Report presented to the GA at its 57th session
- List of Members (PDF)
- Issues discussed
- 38th Session: 30 January-1 February 2002, New York
- Remarks
- Issues discussed
- Biological Weapons and the BWT Convention
- Small Arms and Light Weapons
- Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism
- List of Members (PDF)
- 37th Session: 25-27 July 2001, Geneva
- 36th Session: 31 January-2 February 2001, New York