This is a portfolio of UNODA projects for potential donors to engage in.
This is a dynamic document, updated as donors’ commitments come in, projects are completed and new projects are added.
For questions on specific projects, please contact the project officer mentioned in the individual proposal. For technical
inquiries on funding UNODA, please contact unoda-web[at]
- Weapons of Mass Destruction…
- Support for implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) on preventing the proliferation or acquisition by non-State actors of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and their means of delivery.
- The Secretary-General’s Mechanism (SGM) for Investigation of Alleged Use of Chemical, Biological or Toxin Weapons
- Small Arms…
- Establishment of Sub-Regional Registers and Databases on SALW
- Strengthening the capacity of Eastern Africa States to Combat Trafficking in Small Arms and Light Weapons
- Training the Trainers for Law Enforcement Community in Asiaand the Pacific to Combat Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons
- Firearms Policy and Legal Planning Caribbean Assistance Package
- Enhancing Public Security through Crime Prevention and Firearms Control in the Andean Region
- Multi-assessment and best practice workshop for firearms destruction and stockpile management
- Strengthening the capacities of law enforcement officials in the combating of illicit firearms trafficking at the sub-regional level in Latin American and Caribbean States
- Education / Other…
- Africa Security Sector Reform (ASSEREP II): Contributing to Secure Elections
- Capacity-building in Practical Disarmament and Peacebuilding: Strengthening Grassroots & Civil Society Organisations in East Africa (CAPPA-East Africa)
- Civil-Military Dialogue in ECOWAS Member States: Democratic Governance of the Security Sector in West Africa
- Code of Conduct for Armed and Security Forces in Central Africa: Implementation and Training
- Consolidating CSO Training of Trainers in West Africa (Post-CAPPA)
- Enhancing multi-sectoral responses for armed violence reduction and prevention in Central America
- Enhancing public security and stability in Asia and the Pacific through armed violence reduction and prevention
- Maritime Border Control in the Caribbean
- “Peace Not Violence” — A Global Teaching and Learning Project to Promote a Culture of Non-violence and Peace
- Strengthening Disarmament Expertise in Latin American and Caribbean States
- Training for Strengthening the Capacity of the Media in Advocating and Promoting Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific