Implementing agency: Stimson Center
Project timeframe: 01/01/2016 – 30/04/2017
Target countries: Solomon Islands, CARICOM
Goal: To build capacity to ensure that States are in a position to effectively implement the ATT and to assist States in fulfilling their ATT reporting requirements, particularly with regard to their annual arms exports and imports and with a focus on small arms and light weapons (SALW).

- Several training workshops occurred with Fiji, Solomon Islands, Barbados, Kenya, and 14 CARICOM States that introduced ATT reporting requirements, weapons identification, and data collection.
- Regular meetings occurred with Media Frontier, the IT company that manages the ATT-BAP Portal to discuss a potential handover of the BAP Portal, contact lists, and other ATT-BAP resources.
- A guidance booklet, and an interactive online training and capacity building tutorial was developed on reporting on arms exports and imports, which contains 5 modules:
Guidance booklet 1. History of Multilateral Transparency Instruments
2. Synergies Between the UN Register of Conventional Arms and the Arms Trade Treaty
3. Data Collection Sources and Methods
4. Conventional Arms Identification and Categorization
5. Small Arms and Light Weapons Identification and Categorizations.
- A Handover Handbook was also produced to act as a guide on the development, maintenance, and lessons learned from the first 3 years of the ATT-BAP Project. The Handbook describes lessons learned by the project that are applicable to other projects and the development of the ATT Secretariat infrastructure. The Handbook describes the Portal, Ratification Checklist, Baseline Assessment Survey, Country Profiles, Online Database, Publications, and Online Training and Reporting Guidance and discusses the project’s efforts to raise awareness and promote the ATT-BAP Survey. Copies of the Handbook were distributed to all members of the Mangement Committee, ATT Secretariat, ATT-BAP funders, UNDP, UNODA, and other UN officials.
Overview of projects selected in 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | special circumstances projects