Armed conflicts tear apart vast swathes of the world displacing tens of millions of people around the world.
Security Council
SC resolutions
- Protection of civilians in armed conflict
- Protection of the United Nations Personnel, Associated Personnel and Humanitarian Personnel in Conflict Zones
SC letters (transmitting concept notes)
- S/2016/722 (Protection of health care in armed conflict)
- S/2016/503 (Protection of civilians in the context of peacekeeping operations)
- S/2016/22 (Protection of civilians)
- S/2015/844 (Challenges of policing within a protection of civilians mandate)
- S/2015/307 (Protection of journalists)
- S/2015/176 (Protection of minorities in the Middle East)
- S/2015/32 (Protection of civilians, with a particular focus on women and girls)
- S/2014/571 (Protection of civilians)
- S/2013/447 (Protection of civilians)
- S/2001/614 (Protection of civilians)
SG report
General Assembly
- Safety and security of humanitarian personnel and protection ofUnited Nations personnel
Human Rights Council
Reports of the High Commissioner
A/HRC/34/41 (11 January 2017)
A/HRC/31/46 (11 February 2016)
Afghanistan Protection of Civilians Annual Report 2016 (UNAMA and OHCHR )
Report of the UN Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict
A/HRC/12/48 (25 September 2009)
Report of the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Somalia (one mention)
A/HRC/33/64 (15 September 2016)
OHCHR Investigation in Sri Lanka
A/HRC/30/CRP.2 – Report of the OHCHR Investigation in Sri Lanka (OSIL)
Report of OHCHR on the situation of human rights in Yemen
A/HRC/33/38 (4 August 2016)
Clearance, safety, security
International Mine Action Standards
International Ammunition Technical Guidelines
Landmines, ERW and IED safety handbook
Landmine and Explosive Remnants of War Safety guidance
Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Threat Mitigation in Mission-Settings
UN Peacekeeping Missions Military Engineer Unit Manual
Law enforcement, organized crime, counter-terrorism
Recommendations and resolutions
WCO Security Programme
WCO Customs Enforcement Network
Compendium of border control instruments, standards and recommended practices
Preventing diversion
INTERPOL Chemical Anti-Smuggling Enforcement Programme (CHASE)
INTERPOL Chemical Risk Identification and Mitigation Programme (CRIMP)
INTERPOL Project Watchmaker (IED users/manufacturers)
International Ammunition Technical Guidelines
Compilation of existing guidelines and best practices addressing diversion of materials
Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Monitor 2017
Understanding the regional and transnational networks that facilitate IED use
Policy Brief Improvised Landmines & IEDs
‘Why Principles Matter’: Humanitarian Mine Action and Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs)
This page includes essential information on the topic from non-UN sources.