The First Conference of Protocol V decided to establish a database, pursuant to Article 10 (2) (b), consisting of the initial National Reports, annual or immediate updates of the national reports, and/or summary cover pages , if applicable, on matters pertaining to the implementation of Protocol V.

National Annual Reports Database
The Protocol V database contains National Annual Reports submitted by States Parties pursuant to Article 10 (2) (b) of Protocol V on Explosive Remnants of War and the relevant decision adopted by the First Conference of the High Contracting Parties to the Protocol.
Scope and Content of National Annual Reports (NAR)
The National Reports and their annual updating shall cover the following issues, if applicable, and steps taken to their implementation:
- Clearance, removal or destruction of ERW (Article 3);
- Recording, retaining and transmission of information (Article 4);
- Other precautions for the protection of the civilian population, individual civilians and civilian objects from the risks and effects of ERW (Article 5);
- Provisions for the protection of humanitarian missions and organizations from the effects of ERW (Article 6);
- Assistance with respect to existing ERW (Article 7);
- Co-operation and assistance (Article 8);
- Victim Assistance, by States which have ERW victims (Article 8(2));
- Generic preventive measures (Article 9);
- Compliance (Article 11);
- Other relevant matters.
Deadline for Submission
Initial national reports shall be submitted 180 days after the entry into force of the Protocol for the High Contracting Party.
The deadline for submission of annual updates of the National Reports and/or summary cover pages is 31 March of every year.
The Twelfth Annual Conference of the High Contracting Parties to Amended Protocol II held in November 2010 decided to synchronize the submission of national annual reports under Article 13, paragraph 4, of Amended Protocol II, with the submission of national reports under CCW Protocol V on Explosive Remnants of War, as stipulated in its Final Document, CCW/AP.II/CONF.12/6, paragraph 26:
“The submission date for both reports shall be set at 31 March of every year to allow for their consideration by the Group of Experts. (…) The reporting period shall cover 1 January to 31 December of each year.”
Reporting Forms
Whenever possible National Reports and updates shall be submitted in one of the authentic languages of the Convention (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish), if possible in electronic form. Unofficial translation of the reports or updates may also be provided.
Reporting Forms: English, Español, Français, русский, 中文, عربى
Revised summary cover page: English, Español Français, русский 中文, عربى
At the Eighth Conference of Protocol V States Parties decided to amend the national reporting template and to merge the forms addressing reporting on Articles 7 and 8.
Guide to National Reporting and Victim Assistance
Pursuant to paragraph 39 of its Final Document, the Fourth Conference decided, inter alia, to adopt the “Guide to National Reporting under CCW Protocol V“, as a document representing a check list of questions to be used as a tool, at the discretion of the High Contracting Parties, to facilitate filling-out the forms of the national reporting under Protocol V by providing the information referred to in paragraphs 24 to 28 of the Final Document of the First Conference of the High Contracting Parties to Protocol V.
CCW/P.V/CONF/2009/4/Add.1: English, Español, Français, русский, 中文, عربى
CCW/P.V/CONF/2009/4/Add.1/Amend.1: English, Español, Français, русский, 中文, عربى
CCW/P.V/CONF/2009/4/Add.1/Corr.1: English
Amendment to the Protocol V Guide to National Reporting, guide to Victim Assistance: English, Español, Français, pусский, 中文, عربي
- Compilation of the above versions (addendum, amendement and corrigendum) of “Report on National Reporting”: CCW/P.V/CONF/2009/4/Add.1/Corr.1 and CCW/P.V/CONF/2009/4/Add.1/Amend.1: English, Spanish, French