National Annual Reports Database
The Amended Protocol II Database contains all National Annual Reports submitted by States Parties since 2006. All reports submitted prior to this date are available by contacting the CCW Secretariat.
Scope and Content of National Annual Reports (NAR)
Amended Protocol II, Article 13, paragraph 4, stipulates that:
“The High Contracting Parties shall provide annual reports to the Depositary, who shall circulate them to all High Contracting Parties in advance of the Conference, on any of the following matters:
- dissemination of information on this Protocol to their armed forces and to the civilian population;
- mine clearance and rehabilitation programmes;
- steps taken to meet technical requirements of this Protocol and any other relevant information pertaining thereto;
- legislation related to this Protocol;
- measures taken on international technical information exchange, on international cooperation on mine clearance, and on technical cooperation and assistance;
- and other relevant matters.”
Further, article 11, paragraph 2, stipulates that:
“Each High Contracting Party undertakes to provide information to the database on mine clearance established within the United Nations system, especially information concerning various means and technologies of mine clearance, and lists of experts, expert agencies or national points of contact on mine clearance.“
Deadline for submission
The deadline for submission of National Annual Reports is 31 March of every year.
The Twelfth Annual Conference of the High Contracting Parties to Amended Protocol II held in November 2010 decided to synchronize the submission of national annual reports under Article 13, paragraph 4, of Amended Protocol II, with the submission of national reports under CCW Protocol V on Explosive Remnants of War, as stipulated in its Final Document, CCW/AP.II/CONF.12/6, paragraph 26:
“The submission date for both reports shall be set at 31 March of every year to allow for their consideration by the Group of Experts. (…) The reporting period shall cover 1 January to 31 December of each year.”
The recommendation of the First Annual Conference of the High Contracting Parties to Amended Protocol II, held in December 1999, which stipulates that National Annual Reports should be submitted no later than eight weeks prior to the respective Annual Conference, is therefore no longer valid.
Reporting Forms
Wherever possible, reports and updates shall be submitted in at least one of the authentic languages of the Convention (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish), if possible in electronic form. Unofficial translation of the reports or updates may also be provided.
Reporting Forms (as recommended for use at the First Annual Conference of the High Contracting Parties) are available for download in English, Español, Français, русский, 中文, عربى
Cover Page / Summary Sheet
The Fifth Annual Conference of the High Contracting Parties to Amended Protocol II decided, inter alia, to simplify the submission of the National Annual Report. Under this arrangement, when the information to be provided in one or some of the reporting forms is the same as in past reports, the following cover page (summary sheet) could be used instead of submitting detailed forms. Therefore, when using the summary sheet, only forms which contain new information would need to be submitted.
Summary sheet are available for download in English, Español, Français, русский, 中文, عربى
Guide to Reporting
To download the English version of the Guide to Reporting under Amended Protocol II recommended by the Group of Experts established by the Second Annual Conference, click here. The Guide is also available in French and in Spanish.
To download the Guide on National Reporting Under CCW Amended Protocol II, drafted by the UNODA Geneva, which incorporates the recommendations of the Group of Experts established by the Second Annual Conference, click here.
The purpose of this Guide is:
- To assist High Contracting Parties in preparing and submitting their national reports, thus fulfilling their obligation under the reporting provisions of Amended Protocol II.
- To facilitate the preparation of quality reports that could contribute to the implementation of Amended Protocol II, including through the exchange of information and cooperation among the High Contracting Parties.
Please note that this Guide has no legal status. It constitutes a guide to be considered at the discretion of the High Contracting Parties. Each High Contracting Party is at liberty to review and modify this Guide nationally, to better suit its needs.
Guides are updated and improved based on valuable feedback from the High Contracting Parties. Please, direct any comment or feedback on the guides to ccw@un.org.