Aims and Objectives
The objective of this project is to produce concrete and practical tools, materials, and approaches in the areas of education, engagement and outreach to enable the activities described under other Council Decision projects. Such tools will be produced in formats appropriate to their audiences, including printed versions, and will, in general, require translation to all official languages of the United Nations.
This project will promote an increased awareness of the issues of biological weapons, responsible conduct of science, and ethical issues; as well as a wide dissemination of informational materials about the Biological Weapons Convention and the wider issues relating to the potential misuse of biology.
This project will also continue to provide flexible funding opportunities to generate educational and awareness-raising materials to support the implementation of other Council Decision projects and enhance the visibility of the BWC.
A selection of products developed in the framework of this project are presented below.

Multimedia resources
Electronic CBM platform
An electronic platform for the submission of the annual Confidence-Building Measures (e-CBM platform) was co-funded by the EU and launched in 2018. The tool enables electronic submissions search capabilities of CBMs in the six official languages of the United Nations.