Membership and Regional Groups

Lists of States Parties, Signatory States and Non-Signatory States

The Biological Weapons Convention currently has 187 States Parties and four Signatory States. There are six States which have neither signed nor acceded to the Convention. Further information can be found in the UNODA Disarmament Treaties Database.

For information on ratifying or acceding to the Convention, please click here.

States Parties
  1. Afghanistan
  2. Albania
  3. Algeria
  4. Andorra
  5. Angola
  6. Antigua and Barbuda
  7. Argentina
  8. Armenia
  9. Australia
  10. Austria
  11. Azerbaijan
  12. Bahamas
  13. Bahrain
  14. Bangladesh
  15. Barbados
  16. Belarus
  17. Belgium
  18. Belize
  19. Benin
  20. Bhutan
  21. Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
  22. Bosnia-Herzegovina
  23. Botswana
  24. Brazil
  25. Brunei Darussalam
  26. Bulgaria
  27. Burkina Faso
  28. Burundi
  29. Cambodia
  30. Cameroon
  31. Canada
  32. Cape Verde
  33. Central African Republic
  34. Chile
  35. China
  36. Colombia
  37. Congo
  38. Cook Islands
  39. Costa Rica
  40. Côte d’Ivoire
  41. Croatia
  42. Cuba
  43. Cyprus
  44. Czech Republic
  45. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
  46. Democratic Republic of the Congo
  1. Denmark
  2. Dominica
  3. Dominican Republic
  4. Ecuador
  5. El Salvador
  6. Equatorial Guinea
  7. Estonia
  8. Eswatini
  9. Ethiopia
  10. Fiji
  11. Finland
  12. France
  13. Gabon
  14. Gambia
  15. Georgia
  16. Germany
  17. Ghana
  18. Greece
  19. Grenada
  20. Guatemala
  21. Guinea
  22. Guinea-Bissau
  23. Guyana
  24. Holy See
  25. Honduras
  26. Hungary
  27. Iceland
  28. India
  29. Indonesia
  30. Iran (Islamic Republic of)
  31. Iraq
  32. Ireland
  33. Italy
  34. Jamaica
  35. Japan
  36. Jordan
  37. Kazakhstan
  38. Kenya
  39. Kuwait
  40. Kyrgyzstan
  41. Lao People’s Democratic Republic
  42. Latvia
  43. Lebanon
  44. Lesotho
  45. Liberia
  46. Libya
  1. Liechtenstein
  2. Lithuania
  3. Luxembourg
  4. Madagascar
  5. Malawi
  6. Malaysia
  7. Maldives
  8. Mali
  9. Malta
  10. Marshall Islands
  11. Mauritania
  12. Mauritius
  13. Mexico
  14. Micronesia (Federated States of)
  15. Monaco
  16. Mongolia
  17. Montenegro
  18. Morocco
  19. Mozambique
  20. Myanmar
  21. Namibia
  22. Nauru
  23. Nepal
  24. Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
  25. New Zealand
  26. Nicaragua
  27. Niger
  28. Nigeria
  29. Niue
  30. North Macedonia
  31. Norway
  32. Oman
  33. Pakistan
  34. Palau
  35. Panama
  36. Papua New Guinea
  37. Paraguay
  38. Peru
  39. Philippines
  40. Poland
  41. Portugal
  42. Qatar
  43. Republic of Korea
  44. Republic of Moldova
  45. Romania
  46. Russian Federation
  47. Rwanda
  1. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  2. Saint Lucia
  3. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  4. Samoa
  5. San Marino
  6. Sao Tome and Principe
  7. Saudi Arabia
  8. Senegal
  9. Serbia
  10. Seychelles
  11. Sierra Leone
  12. Singapore
  13. Slovakia
  14. Slovenia
  15. Solomon Islands
  16. South Africa
  17. South Sudan
  18. Spain
  19. Sri Lanka
  20. State of Palestine
  21. Sudan
  22. Suriname
  23. Sweden
  24. Switzerland
  25. Tajikistan
  26. Thailand
  27. Timor-Leste
  28. Togo
  29. Tonga
  30. Trinidad and Tobago
  31. Tunisia
  32. Türkiye
  33. Turkmenistan
  34. Tuvalu
  35. Uganda
  36. Ukraine
  37. United Arab Emirates
  38. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  39. United Republic of Tanzania
  40. United States of America
  41. Uruguay
  42. Uzbekistan
  43. Vanuatu
  44. Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
  45. Viet Nam
  46. Yemen
  47. Zambia
  48. Zimbabwe

Signatory States (deposit of instrument of ratification still required)
  1. Egypt
  2. Haiti
  3. Somalia
  4. Syrian Arab Republic

Non-Signatory States (deposit of instrument of accession or succession still required)
  1. Chad
  2. Comoros
  3. Djibouti
  4. Eritrea
  5. Israel
  1. Kiribati

Regional Groups

Similar to many other international instruments and organizations, the States Parties to the Biological Weapons Convention have organized themselves into three groups to facilitate their preparations and discussions. The groups include the Eastern European Group (EEG), the Group of the Non-Aligned Movement and Other States (NAM), and the Western Group (WG). At the Ninth BWC Review Conference in 2022, the Russian Federation announced its withdrawal from the Eastern European Group and the creation of a new Group of One.

The membership of these groups differs from those found in other forums, despite the similar names. For example, the Western Group of the BWC has a different membership from the Western European and Others Group (WEOG) of the General Assembly, and the group of NAM and Other States in the BWC includes China, which is not a member of the Non-Aligned Movement or similar groups in other forums. Each group has a coordinator who speaks on behalf of the group and is responsible for organizing and chairing the meetings of that group.

The current coordinators and members of each group are listed below:

Eastern European Group (EEG)

Coordinator: Turkmenistan


  1. Albania
  2. Armenia
  3. Belarus
  4. Bosnia-Herzegovina
  5. Bulgaria
  6. Croatia
  7. Czech Republic
  1. Estonia
  2. Georgia
  3. Hungary
  4. Kazakhstan
  5. Kyrgyzstan
  6. Latvia
  7. Lithuania
  1. Montenegro
  2. North Macedonia
  3. Poland
  4. Republic of Moldova
  5. Romania
  6. Serbia
  1. Slovakia
  2. Slovenia
  3. Tajikistan
  4. Turkmenistan
  5. Ukraine
  6. Uzbekistan
Group of One


Russian Federation

Group of the Non-Aligned Movement and Other States (NAM)

Coordinator: Uganda


  1. Afghanistan
  2. Algeria
  3. Angola
  4. Antigua and Barbuda
  5. Azerbaijan
  6. Bahamas
  7. Bahrain
  8. Bangladesh
  9. Barbados
  10. Belize
  11. Benin
  12. Bhutan
  13. Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
  14. Botswana
  15. Brazil
  16. Brunei Darussalam
  17. Burkina Faso
  18. Burundi
  19. Cambodia
  20. Cameroon
  21. Cabo Verde
  22. Central African Republic
  23. Chile
  24. China
  25. Colombia
  26. Congo
  27. Cook Islands
  28. Costa Rica
  29. Côte d’ivoire
  30. Cuba
  31. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
  1. Democratic Republic of the Congo
  2. Dominica
  3. Dominican Republic
  4. Ecuador
  5. El Salvador
  6. Equatorial Guinea
  7. Eswatini
  8. Ethiopia
  9. Fiji
  10. Gabon
  11. Gambia
  12. Ghana
  13. Grenada
  14. Guatemala
  15. Guinea
  16. Guinea-Bissau
  17. Guyana
  18. Honduras
  19. India
  20. Indonesia
  21. Iran (Islamic Republic of)
  22. Iraq
  23. Jamaica
  24. Jordan
  25. Kenya
  26. Kuwait
  27. Lao People’s Democratic Republic
  28. Lebanon
  29. Lesotho
  30. Liberia
  31. Libya
  1. Madagascar
  2. Malawi
  3. Malaysia
  4. Maldives
  5. Mali
  6. Marshall Islands
  7. Mauritania
  8. Mauritius
  9. Mexico
  10. Micronesia (Federated States of)
  11. Mongolia
  12. Morocco
  13. Mozambique
  14. Myanmar
  15. Namibia
  16. Nauru
  17. Nepal
  18. Nicaragua
  19. Niger
  20. Nigeria
  21. Niue
  22. Oman
  23. Palau
  24. Pakistan
  25. Panama
  26. Papua New Guinea
  27. Paraguay
  28. Peru
  29. Philippines
  30. Qatar
  31. Rwanda
  1. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  2. Saint Lucia
  3. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  4. Samoa
  5. Sao Tome and Principe
  6. Saudi Arabia
  7. Senegal
  8. Seychelles
  9. Sierra Leone
  10. Singapore
  11. Solomon Islands
  12. South Africa
  13. South Sudan
  14. Sri Lanka
  15. State of Palestine
  16. Sudan
  17. Suriname
  18. Thailand
  19. Timor Leste
  20. Togo
  21. Tonga
  22. Trinidad and Tobago
  23. Tunisia
  24. Tuvalu
  25. Uganda
  26. United Arab Emirates
  27. United Republic of Tanzania
  28. Uruguay
  29. Vanuatu
  30. Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
  31. Viet Nam
  32. Yemen
  33. Zambia
  34. Zimbabwe
Western Group (WG)

Coordinator: Australia


  1. Andorra
  2. Argentina
  3. Australia
  4. Austria
  5. Belgium
  6. Canada
  7. Cyprus
  8. Denmark
  1. Finland
  2. France
  3. Germany
  4. Greece
  5. Holy See
  6. Iceland
  7. Ireland
  8. Italy
  1. Japan
  2. Liechtenstein
  3. Luxembourg
  4. Malta
  5. Monaco
  6. Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
  7. New Zealand
  8. Norway
  1. Portugal
  2. Republic of Korea
  3. San Marino
  4. Spain
  5. Sweden
  6. Switzerland
  7. Türkiye
  8. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  9. United States of America