UNODA launches a new online training course on UNSCR 1540

أكتوبر 18th, 2019

The United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs is proud to announce the launch of its new training course on UN Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004). The purpose of this course is to promote awareness and understanding of the key objectives and provisions of the resolution.

Adopted in 2004, the decision taken under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter affirms that the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, as well as their means of delivery, constitutes a threat to international peace and security. Rather than modifying or contradicting previous legislations, resolution 1540 adds to the existing legal framework by focusing on non-state actors. It obliges States to establish various types of domestic controls as well as other effective measures to prevent the provision of support for proliferation-related activities of non-states actors.

UN Security Council voting to adopt resolution 1540, 28/04/2004


UNODA hosted a launch event to commemorate the launch of this training course in the UN Headquarters on 14 October 2019 together with its partners: the governments of Japan, the Republic of Korea and the United States.

UNODA presents its new training course on UNSCR 1540


At the event, Ms. Izumi Nakamitsu, Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, stated that “one key aspect of achieving the full and universal implementation of resolution 1540 (2004) is to ensure that all Member States have sufficient capacity and understanding of […] the resolution.”

Accordingly, the training aims to assist all Member States, civil society and individuals to enhance their capacity and understanding of how the resolution came into place, what its major obligations are and what kind of work the UN and other international organizations are doing to support the full and universal implementation of resolution 1540 (2004).

The self-paced course uses highly interactive materials to provide participants with an extensive background knowledge on UNSCR 1540 and hopes to contribute to the enhancement of full and universal implementation by relevant stakeholders.


Upon successful completion of the course participants will reive a certificate. The course is now available on the UNODA Disarmament Education Dashboard.

For further information please contact Mr. Aaron Junhoung Yoo at