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The study was developed by the Department of Peace Operations (DPO) and the Office for Disarmament Affairs (ODA) in partnership with the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC), and was made possible through the generous contribution of the Government of Germany.
The Lake Chad Basin region has been affected by illicit arms flows representing one of the primary conflict drivers. As part of an integrated DDR process, the implementation of transitional weapons and ammunition management (TWAM) can serve to reduce the capacity of individuals and groups to engage in armed violence and conflict.
To this end, the study presents key findings as well as recommendations to support national, regional and international arms control and DDR policymakers and practitioners in the design and implementation of evidence-based, efficient and gender-sensitive WAM and DDR initiatives in line with good practices. The report analyzes (i) political and security aspects, (ii) current weapons and ammunition dynamics, (iii) applicable normative frameworks, (iv) national capacities on WAM, and (v) implementation of WAM and DDR initiatives in the Lake Chad Basin region.
Product Details Publication date: October 2022