Implementing agency: Stimson Center
Project timeframe: 01/01/2017 – 31/12/2017
Target countries: Global
Goal: Enable States to report on international arms transfers and effective measures, and areas where cooperation and assistance is requested, to regulate international arms transfers in accordance with the PoA and ATT to achieve SDG 16.
Activities and Outputs:
- In cooperation with CARICOM-IMPACS (Caribbean) and the Melanesian Spearhead Group (Pacific), the Stimson Center conducted national workshops on UNPoA and ATT in Trinidad and Tobago, Antigua and Barbuda, and Vanuatu as well as a regional workshop in Vanuatu.

- Based on the information collected through a questionnaire for ATT State Parties developed and distributed by the Center, the publication “Reporting in Review: Examining ATT Reporting Experiences” was produced.
- The Stimson Center developed an online database and created country profiles for all ATT State Parties and plans to continue expanding the dataset and database beyond the project period.
Reviewing 2017 ATT Annual Reports on Arms Exports and Imports
- Data was collected on ATT annual reports on arms exports and imports undertaken in 2016 and circulated in a report titled “Reviewing 2017 ATT Annual Reports on Arms Exports and Imports”.