About the UN BioRisk Working Group (UN-BRWG)
Established in August 2020 by the UN Secretary-General under Decision 2020/59, the UN BioRisk Working Group (UN-BRWG) brings together a diverse range of expertise from across the UN system. Co-led by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) and the World Health Organization (WHO), the group aims to enhance the UN’s capacity to address and respond to biorisks. Since its establishment, the UN-BRWG has made significant strides in addressing biorisks, including conducting readiness assessments, piloting collaborative programs, and developing guidance for biological threat response.
The UN-BRWG focuses on three core objectives:
- Strengthening capacities and coordination within UN system organizations to ensure a cohesive and effective response to biorisks.
- Fostering collaboration with key stakeholders outside the UN system through a robust multistakeholder engagement strategy.
- Enhancing outreach and partnerships to align global efforts in mitigating and managing biorisks.
Through these efforts, the UN-BRWG plays a critical role in safeguarding global health and security in the face of biological threats.
Biorisks: A Global Challenge
Potential harm posed by biological agents such as viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms that can affect human, animal, or environmental health) are known as Biorisks. These risks may arise naturally, as in the case of emerging infectious diseases, or be exacerbated by human activities, such as laboratory accidents, bioterrorism, or the misuse of biotechnology.
Biorisks pose a profound threat not only to global health and health security but also to sustainable development worldwide. As biotechnology and scientific research advance, the opportunities and risks for global health security are increasing in both scope and scale. Additionally, human encroachment on wild habitats continues to amplify these risks, creating new vulnerabilities.
The inherent adaptability of biological organisms, coupled with the ease of global travel and trade, underscores the transboundary nature of biorisks. Addressing this global challenge requires a coordinated international response through measures such as nonproliferation efforts, advanced outbreak preparedness, and comprehensive risk mitigation strategies.
By proactively managing biorisks, we can protect human health, foster resilience, and uphold the principles of sustainable development.
With decades of experience in global health security and disarmament, Ms. Nakamitsu and Dr. Ryan co-lead and ensure a coordinated, strategic approach to addressing biorisks through evidence-based policy and collaborative action:
- Ms. Izumi Nakamitsu, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs,
- Dr. Mike Ryan, Assistant Director-General and head of the World Health Organization’s Health Emergencies Programme.
Their combined expertise and leadership ensure a coordinated and strategic approach to addressing biorisks across the UN system and beyond.
Current Work: Phase II
In its second phase, the UN-BRWG is dedicated to strengthening the capabilities of the UN system and its external partners across the biorisk spectrum. A key focus of this phase is enhancing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to ensure a more coordinated and effective response to biorisks.
While biorisks range from naturally occurring to deliberate events, Phase II places particular emphasis on mitigating the likelihood and impact of deliberate biological threats. This includes advancing nonproliferation initiatives, developing robust response capacities, and improving operational readiness through refined SOPs.
By prioritizing these efforts, Phase II aims to build a more resilient and cohesive framework for addressing global biorisks.
Workstream 1: Building a Biorisk Community
Foster a dynamic biorisk community by creating a platform for information-sharing among relevant entities. This includes initiatives such as staff exchange training, collaborative projects, and active engagement in UN-led initiatives to enhance coordination and knowledge sharing.
Workstream 2: Enhancing Crisis Management Frameworks
Integrate the Bio-Emergency Management Framework (BEMF) for deliberate events into the ongoing UN Crisis Management Policy review. This workstream focuses on refining Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and conducting high-level tabletop exercises to improve readiness and response capabilities.Workstream 3: Strengthening External Engagement
Implement a comprehensive external engagement strategy to unite all relevant stakeholders from within and beyond the UN system. This approach ensures a collaborative and inclusive effort to address the challenges posed by biorisks effectively. This strategy not only unites stakeholders but also creates pathways for broader collaboration, ensuring diverse voices contribute to addressing biorisks.
Past Work: Phase I
Phase I of the UN-BRWG spanned from August 2020 to November 2022 and focused on five key activities.
Activity One
Conducted a comprehensive UN system BioRisk survey and a SWOT analysis to evaluate readiness for biorisk mitigation and response. This assessment provided valuable insights into organizational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, forming a critical foundation for enhancing preparedness and resilience.
Activity Two
Developed a detailed guidance document to assist UN entities in preparing for and responding to deliberate biological attacks. This resource provides clear protocols and recommendations, ensuring a coordinated and effective response across the UN system.
Activity Three
Launched a pilot staff exchange program to promote knowledge sharing and collaboration across UN entities. Additionally, initiated the development of a comprehensive biorisk training library to equip UN personnel with the skills and resources needed for effective biorisk management.
Activity Four
Organized a Director-level tabletop exercise to evaluate the effectiveness of the guidance for deliberate biological events. This exercise tested response protocols, identified potential gaps, and enhanced preparedness across key leadership within the UN system.
Activity Five
Carried out a BioRisk survey targeting civil society organizations to gather insights and perspectives on biorisk preparedness and response. The findings were instrumental in drafting a Multistakeholder External Engagement Strategy, fostering collaboration and coordination with key external partners.
Through these foundational efforts, Phase I successfully laid the groundwork for Phase II by establishing essential frameworks, building partnerships, and initiating coordinated efforts to address biorisks effectively.
Call to Action
Want to join the global effort to mitigate biorisks? Connect with us at biorisks@un.org to learn more, share ideas, or explore collaboration opportunities