UNODA Occasional Papers – No. 21, December 2011

Study on the Development of a Framework for Improving End-use and End-user Control Systems


UNODA Occasional Papers, No. 21

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UN Publications

This paper aims to develop a coherent United Nations approach to support the international community’s efforts to improve the regulation of international transfers of conventional arms. It records the United Nations Organization’s advocacy over the past years of a robust and comprehensive Arms Trade Treaty that covers the full array of conventional weapons as well as ammunition and that includes provisions that arms not be transferred where there is a clear risk that they will be used to commit violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law or seriously undermine development.

Brian Wood and Peter Danssaert, with the assistance of Sergio Finardi and Brian Johnson-Thomas

Product Details
ISBN: 978-92-1-142283-2
Sales No.: E.12.IX.5
Publication date: December 2011