Report of the First Committee

Symbol Title
A/2373  Regulation, limitation and balanced reduction of all armed forces and armaments:Report of the Disarmament Commission
A/2384  Question of impartial investigation of charges of use by United Nations forces of bacteriological warfare
A/2386  Measures to avert the threat of a new world war and measures to strengthen peace and friendship among the nations

Official Records of the First Committee

Symbol Title
A/C.1/SR.577 Official records of the 577th meeting
A/C.1/SR.578 Official records of the 578th meeting
A/C.1/SR.579 Official records of the 579th meeting
A/C.1/SR.580 Official records of the 580th meeting
A/C.1/SR.581 Official records of the 581st meeting
A/C.1/SR.590 Official records of the 590th meeting
A/C.1/SR.591 Official records of the 591st meeting
A/C.1/SR.592 Official records of the 592nd meeting
A/C.1/SR.593 Official records of the 593rd meeting
A/C.1/SR.594 Official records of the 594th meeting
A/C.1/SR.595 Official records of the 595th meeting
A/C.1/SR.596 Official records of the 596th meeting
A/C.1/SR.597 Official records of the 597th meeting
A/C.1/SR.598 Official records of the 598th meeting
A/C.1/SR.599 Official records of the 599th meeting
A/C.1/SR.600 Official records of the 600th meeting
A/C.1/SR.601 Official records of the 601st meeting
A/C.1/SR.602 Official records of the 602nd meeting
A/C.1/SR.604 Official records of the 604th meeting