Report of the First Committee

Symbol Title
A/1490  Declaration on the removal of the threat of a new war and the strengthening of peace and security among the nations

Official Records of the First Committee

Symbol Title
A/C.1/SR.356  Official Records of the 356th meeting
A/C.1/SR.357 Official Records of the 357th meeting
A/C.1/SR.358  Official Records of the 358th meeting
A/C.1/SR.359 Official Records of the 359th meeting
A/C.1/SR.360 Official Records of the 360th meeting
A/C.1/SR.372 Official Records of the 372nd meeting
A/C.1/SR.373 Official Records of the 373rd meeting
A/C.1/SR.374 Official Records of the 374th meeting
A/C.1/SR.375 Official Records of the 375th meeting
A/C.1/SR.376 Official Records of the 376th meeting
A/C.1/SR.377 Official Records of the 377th meeting
A/C.1/SR.378 Official Records of the 378th meeting
A/C.1/SR.379 Official Records of the 379th meeting
A/C.1/SR.380 Official Records of the 380th meeting
A/C.1/SR.382 Official Records of the 382nd meeting
A/C.1/SR.383 Official Records of the 383rd meeting