A/C.5/48/34 |
Comprehensive nuclear-test ban treaty; Report of the Conference on Disarmament: Programme budget implications of draft resolutions A/C.1/48/L.40 and L.41 |
A/C.5/48/33 |
Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Africa: Programme budget implications of draft resolution A/C.1/48/L.19 |
A/C.5/48/48/Add.37A |
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1992-1993 |
A/C.5/48/Add.5 |
Programme Budget for the Biennium 1992-1993 |
A/48/758 |
Programme budget implications of draft resolution A recommended by the First Committee in its report (A/48/677, para. 20) |
A/48/759 |
Programme budget implications of draft resolution B recommended by the First Committee in its report(A/48/678) |
A/C.5/48/75 |
Proposed programme budget for the biennium 1994-1995 |
A/C.5/48/32 |
Regional confidence-building measures: Programme budget implications of draft resolution A/C.1/48/L.6 |
A/C.5/48/16 |
Request for subvention to the Institute resulting from the recommendations of the Board of Trustees of the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research contained in document A/48/270 |
A/C.5/48/39 |
Revised estimates under section 3. Political Affairs subsection 3B. Department of Political Affairs I |