General Assembly Document

Symbol Title
A/1020  Prohibition of the atomic weapon and reduction by one-third of the armaments and armed forces of the Permanent Members of the Security Council: Resolution of the Security Council
A/1042  Prohibition of the atomic weapon and reduction by one-third of the armaments and armed forces of the Permanent Members of the Security Council: Resolution of the Security Council
A/1119 International control of atomic energy: resolutions of the Atomic Energy Agency Commission (transmitted by the Security Council) and report of the permanent members of the Atomic Energy Commission
A/1151  Prohibition of the atomic weapon and reduction by one-third of the armaments and armed forces of the Permanent Members of the Security Council: Report of the Ad Hoc Political Committee

General Assembly/Security Council Resolution

Symbol Title
A/1251  Official Records of the Fourth Session of the General Assembly, Resolutions, 20 September to 10 December 1949
A/INF/3/Rev.1  Resolutions and decisions of the Security Council 1949