A/33/508 |
Administrative and financial implications of draft resolution J recommended by the First Committee (A/33/461, para. 33) |
A/33/507 |
Administrative and financial implications of draft resolutions A, D and E and the draft decision recommended by the First Committee (A/33/435, paras. 24 and 25) |
A/C.5/33/89 |
Administrative and financial implications of the decision taken by the First Committee at its 58th meeting held on 30 November 1978 in connexion with the Report of the Secretary-General contained in document A/33/389 |
A/C.5/33/78 |
Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document A/C.1/33/L.13/Rev.1 |
A/C.5/33/79 |
Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document a/C.1/33/L.18 |
A/C.1/33/L.50 |
Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document A/C.1/33/L.18 |
A/C.1/33/L.51 |
Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document A/C.1/33/L.19 |
A/C.1/33/L.48 |
Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document A/C.1/33/L.32 |
A/C.1/33/L.56 |
Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document A/C.1/33/L.34 |
A/C.5/33/83 |
Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document A/C.1/33/L.34 |
A/C.1/33/L.55 |
Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document A/C.1/33/L.35 |
A/C.5/33/72 |
Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document A/C.1/33/L.7/Rev.1 |
A/33/497 |
Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution recommended by the First Committee (A/33/426, para. 8) |
A/33/506 |
Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution recommended by the First Committee (A/33/433, para. 7) |
A/33/505 |
Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution recommended by the First Committee (A/33/434, para. 8) |
A/33/502 |
Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution recommended by the First Committee (A/33/43, para. 8) |
A/C.5/33/80 |
Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolutions contained in documents A/C.1/33/L.19, A/C.1/33/L.32 and A/C.1/33/L.35 |
A/C.5/33/85 |
Administrative and financial implications of the report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Indian Ocean |
A/C.1/33/L.52 |
Administrative and financial implications of the report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Indian ocean |
A/33/7/Add.33 |
Financial implications arising from the tenth special session of the General Assembly |
Corr.1 |
Financial implications arising from the tenth special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament |
A/C.5/33/CRP.11 |
Programme budget for the biennium 1978-1979 |