29 GA FC

First Committee Document

Symbol Title
A/C.1/1050 Letter dated 1 November 1974 from the Permanent Representatives of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the German Democratic Republic to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (Implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security)
A/C.1/1051 Letter dated 14 November 1974 from the Permanent Representative of Nev Zealand to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (Urgent need for cessation of nuclear and thermonuclear tests and conclusion of a Treaty designed to achieve a comprehensive test ban)
A/C.1/1044 Letter dated 21 September 1974 from the President of the General Assembly addressed to the Chairman of the First Committee: Allocation of agenda items to the First Committee
A/C.1/1046 Membership of the First Committee
A/C.1/1052 Mexico: working paper containing the text of the statements made by the representatives of the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics at the 1577th meeting of the First Committee, held on 31 May 1968, concerning the provisions of article V of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons which relate to the conclusion of a special international agreement on nuclear explosions for peaceful purposes (General and complete disarmament)
A/C.1/1045/Rev.1 Programme of work and timetable as adopted by the Committee at its 1987th meeting on 25 September 1974

Official Records of the First Committee

Symbol Title
A/C.1/PV.1986 Provisional verbatim record of the 1,986th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1987 Provisional verbatim record of the 1,987th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1992 Provisional verbatim record of the 1,992nd meeting
A/C.1/PV.1998 Provisional verbatim record of the 1,998th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1999 Provisional verbatim record of the 1,999th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2000 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,000th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2002 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,002nd meeting
A/C.1/PV.2003 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,003rd meeting
A/C.1/PV.2004 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,004th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2005 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,005th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2006 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,006th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2007 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,007th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2008 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,008th  meeting
A/C.1/PV.2009 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,009th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2010 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,010th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2011 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,011th  meeting
A/C.1/PV.2012 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,012th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2013 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,013th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2014 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,014th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2015 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,015th meeting
Provisional verbatim record of the 2,016th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2017 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,017th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2018 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,018th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2019 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,019th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2020 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,020th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2021 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,021st meeting
A/C.1/PV.2022 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,022nd meeting
A/C.1/PV.2023 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,023rd meeting
A/C.1/PV.2024 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,024th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2025 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,025th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2026 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,026th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2027 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,027th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2028 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,028th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2030 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,030th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2037 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,037th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2039 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,039th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2040 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,040th meeting
A/C.1/PV.2041 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,041st meeting
A/C.1/PV.2042 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,042nd meeting
A/C.1/PV.2043 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,043rd meeting
A/C.1/PV.2044 Provisional verbatim record of the 2,044th  meeting

Report of the First Committee

Symbol Title
A/9902 Chemical and Bacteriological (biological) weapons
A/9911 Declaration and establishment of a nuclear-free zone in South Asia
A/9909 Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East
A/9907 General and complete disarmament
A/9908 Implementation of General Assembly resolution 2286 (XXII) concerning the signature and ratification of Additional Protocol I of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (Treaty of Tlatelolco)
A/9904 Implementation of General Assembly resolution 3079 (XXVIII) concerning the signature and ratification of Additional Protocol II of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (Treaty of Tlatelolco)
A/9905 Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a zone of peace
A/9901 Napalm and other incendiary weapons and all aspects of their possible use
A/9910 Prohibition of action to influence the environment and climate for military and other purposes incompatible with the maintenance of international security, human well-being and health
A/9900 Reduction of the military budgets of States Permanent Members of the Security Council by 10 per cent and utilization of part of the funds thus saved to provide assistance to developing countries
A/9903 Urgent need for cessation of nuclear and thermonuclear tests and conclusion of a Treaty designed to achieve a comprehensive test ban
A/9906 World Disarmament Conference