28 GA PB

General Assembly Document

Symbol Title
A/9382 Administrative and financial implications of draft resolution B recommended by the First Committee (A/9361, para. 15) (General and complete disarmament)
A/9451 Administrative and financial implications of draft resolution C recommended by the Special Political Committee (A/92/6/Add.1, para. 15) (Effects of Atomic Radiation)
A/9290 Administrative and financial implications of draft resolution recommended by the Special Political Committee (A/9276, para. 12)
A/C.1/L.667 Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document A/C.1/L.655
Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document A/C.I/L.647/Rev.2
Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document A/C.I/L.665 and Corr.l (General and complete disarmament)
A/C.5/1574 Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document A/C.l/L.655 (Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a zone of peace)
A/C.1/L.668 Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document A/C.l/L.665
A/C.5/L.1161 Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document A/C.l/L.665 and Corr.l (General and complete disarmament)
A/C.1/L.674 Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document A/C.l/L.673
A/C.5/1591 Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document A/C.l/L.673 (World Disarmament Conference)
A/C.5/1559 Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document A/L.701/Rev .1 (Reduction of military budgets of States Permanent Members of the Security Council by 10 per cent and utilization of part of the funds thus saved to provide assistance to developing countries)
A/9358 Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document A/L.701/Rev.l
A/SPC/L.263 Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document A/SPC/L.262 (Effects of atomic radiation: Report of the united Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation)
A/SPC/L.297 Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution in document A/SPC/L.296 (Effects of Atomic Radiation)
A/9008/Add.10 Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution recommended by the First Committee (A/9278 and Corr.l, para. 20)
A/9461 Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution recommended by the First Committee (A/9360, para. 10) (World Disarmament Conference)
A/9008/Add.26 Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution recommended by the First Committee (A/9361, para. 15, draft resolution B)
A/9383 Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution recommended by the First Committee (A/9366, para. 9) (Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a zone of peace)
A/9319 Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution recommended by the First Committee (A/9278 and Corr.l and 2, para. 20)
A/9565 Letter dated 25 July 1974 from the President of the General Assembly addressed to the Secretary-General (Reduction of the military budgets of States Permanent Members of the Security Council by 10 per cent and utilization of part of the funds thus saved to provide assistance to developing countries)
A/9191 Letter dated 25 September 1973 from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics addressed to the Secretary-General (Reduction of the military budgets of States Permanent Members of the Security Council by 10 per cent and utilization of part of the funds thus saved to provide assistance to developing countries)