27 GA FC


A/C.1/1022 Agenda of the First Committee: Order of consideration of items as suggested in the Chairman’s statement and approved by the Committee at its 1860th meeting on 9 October 1972

Communication from Member States

Symbol Title
A/C.1/1020 Letter dated 23 September 1972 from the President of the General Assembly addressed to the Chairman of the First Committee
A/C.1/1024 Cable dated 16 October 1972 from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the German Democratic Republic addressed to the Chairman of the First Committee: Implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security
A/C.1/L.631 Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a zone of peace: Algeria, Bhutan, Burundi, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Guyana, India, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lesotho, Mauritania, Mauritius, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, United Republic of Tanzania, Yemen, Yugoslavia and Zambia: draft resolution
A/C.1/1029 Letter dated 10 November 1972 from the Permanent Representatives of France and Poland to the United Nations addressed to the Preisdent of the General Assembly (Implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security)
A/C.1/1027 Letter dated 15 November 1972 from the Permanent Representative of Mexico addressed to the Secretary-General (World Disarmament Conference)
A/C.1/1028 Letter dated 15 November 1972 from the Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of China addressed to the Secretary-General (Implementation of General Assembly Resolution 2830 (XXVI) concerning the signature and ratification of Additional Protocol II of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (Treaty of Tlatelolco)
A/C.1/1025 Letter dated 25 October 1972 from the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of the German Democratic Republic addressed to the Chairman of the First Committee
A/C.1/1026 Letter dated 3 November 1972 from the Chairman of the delegation of Mexico to the 27th session of the General Assembly addressed to the Secretary-General
Membership of the First Committee
A/C.1/1023 Programme of work: Tentative time-table under which the Committee will operate in accordance with the statement made by the Chairman at the 1864th meeting on 16 October 1972

Official Records of the First Committee

Symbol Title
A/C.1/PV.1872 1872nd Plenary meeting of the First Committee
A/C.1/PV.1875 1875th Plenary meeting of the General Assembly
A/C.1/PV.1876 1876th Plenary meeting of the First Committee
A/C.1/PV.1877 1877th Plenary meeting of the First Committee
A/C.1/PV.1878 1878th Plenary meeting of the First Committee
A/C.1/PV.1858 Provisional verbatim record of the 1858th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1859 Provisional verbatim record of the 1859th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1860 Provisional verbatim record of the 1860th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1873 Provisional verbatim record of the 1873rd meeting
Provisional verbatim record of the 1874th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1879 Provisional verbatim record of the 1879th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1880 Provisional verbatim record of the 1880th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1881 Provisional verbatim record of the 1881st meeting
A/C.1/PV.1882 Provisional verbatim record of the 1882nd meeting
A/C.1/PV.1883 Provisional verbatim record of the 1883rd meeting
Provisional verbatim record of the 1884th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1885 Provisional verbatim record of the 1885th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1886 Provisional verbatim record of the 1886th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1887 Provisional verbatim record of the 1887th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1888 Provisional verbatim record of the 1888th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1889 Provisional verbatim record of the 1889th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1890 Provisional verbatim record of the 1890th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1891 Provisional verbatim record of the 1891st meeting
A/C.1/PV.1892 Provisional verbatim record of the 1892nd meeting
A/C.1/PV.1893 Provisional verbatim record of the 1893rd meeting
A/C.1/PV.1894 Provisional verbatim record of the 1894th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1895 Provisional verbatim record of the 1895th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1896 Provisional verbatim record of the 1896th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1897 Provisional verbatim record of the 1897th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1898 Provisional verbatim record of the 1898th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1899 Provisional verbatim record of the 1899th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1900 Provisional verbatim record of the 1900th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1901 Provisional verbatim record of the 1901st meeting
A/C.1/PV.1902 Provisional verbatim record of the 1902nd meeting
A/C.1/PV.1903 Provisional verbatim record of the 1903rd meeting
A/C.1/PV.1904 Provisional verbatim record of the 1904th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1905 Provisional verbatim record of the 1905th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1906 Provisional verbatim record of the 1906th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1907 Provisional verbatim record of the 1907th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1908 Provisional verbatim record of the 1908th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1909 Provisional verbatim record of the 1909th  meeting
A/C.1/PV.1910 Provisional verbatim record of the 1910th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1911 Provisional verbatim record of the 1911th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1912 Provisional verbatim record of the 1912th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1913 Provisional verbatim record of the 1913th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1914 Provisional verbatim record of the 1914th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1915 Provisional verbatim record of the 1915th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1916 Provisional verbatim record of the 1916th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1917 Provisional verbatim record of the 1917th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1918 Provisional verbatim record of the 1918th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1919 Provisional verbatim record of the 1919th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1920 Provisional verbatim record of the 1920th meeting

Report of the First Committee

Symbol Title
A/8905 Chemical and Bacteriological (biological) weapons
A/8908 Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a zone of peace
A/8904 General and complete disarmament
A/8907 Implementation of General Assembly resolution 2830 (XXVI) concerning the signature and ratification of Additional Protocol II of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (Treaty of Tlatelolco)
A/8909 Implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security
A/8903 Implementation of the results of the Conference of Non-Nuclear-Weapon States
A/8906 Urgent need for suspension of nuclear and thermonuclear tests
A/8902 World Disarmament Conference