26 GA FC


Letter dated 8 October 1971 from the President of the General Assembly addressed to the Chairman of the First Committee (Allocation of additional agenda item to the First Committee)

Communication from Member States

Symbol Title
A/C.1/1015 Letter dated  24 September 1971 from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the German Democratic Republic addressed to the Chairman of the First Committee
A/C.1/1019 Letter dated 29 November 1971 from the Permanent Representatives of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand addressed to the Secretary-General
A/C.1/1018 Letter dated 9 November 1971 from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the German Democratic Republic addressed to the Chairman of the First Committee
Membership of the First Committee
A/C.1/1014 Order of consideration of items on the agenda of the First Committee as approved at its 1803rd meeting held on 11 October 1971
A/C.1/1016 Tentative time-table submitted to the Committee at its 1821st meeting by the Chairman

Official Records of the First Committee

Symbol Title
A/C.1/PV.1827 1827th Plenary meeting of the First Committee
A/C.1/PV.1829 1829th Plenary meeting of the General Assembly
A/C.1/PV.1830 1830th Plenary meeting of the General Assembly
A/C.1/PV.1831 1831st Plenary meeting of the First Committee
A/C.1/PV.1833 1833rd Plenary meeting of the General Assembly
A/C.1/PV.1834 1834th Plenary meeting of the First Committee
A/C.1/PV.1835 1835th Plenary meeting of the First Committee
A/C.1/PV.1837 1837th Plenary meeting of the First Committee
A/C.1/PV.1838 1838th Plenary meeting of the First Committee
A/C.1/PV.1839 1839th Plenary meeting of the First Committee
A/C.1/PV.1841 1841st Plenary meeting of the First Committee
A/C.1/PV.1842 1842nd Plenary meeting of the First Committee
A/C.1/PV.1846 1846th Plenary meeting of the First Committee
A/C.1/PV.1847 1847th Plenary meeting of the General Assembly
A/C.1/PV.1848 1848th Plenary meeting of the First Committee
A/C.1/PV.1849 1849th Plenary meeting of the First Committee
A/C.1/PV.1832 Provisional verbatim record of 1832nd meeting
A/C.1/PV.1802 Provisional verbatim record of the 1802nd meeting
A/C.1/PV.1803 Provisional verbatim record of the 1803rd meeting
A/C.1/PV.1804 Provisional verbatim record of the 1804th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1805 Provisional verbatim record of the 1805th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1806 Provisional verbatim record of the 1806th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1807 Provisional verbatim record of the 1807th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1808 Provisional verbatim record of the 1808th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1809 Provisional verbatim record of the 1809th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1810 Provisional verbatim record of the 1810th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1811 Provisional verbatim record of the 1811th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1812 Provisional verbatim record of the 1812th meeting
Provisional verbatim record of the 1813th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1814 Provisional verbatim record of the 1814th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1815 Provisional verbatim record of the 1815th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1816 Provisional verbatim record of the 1816th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1817 Provisional verbatim record of the 1817th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1818 Provisional verbatim record of the 1818th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1828 Provisional verbatim record of the 1828th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1836 Provisional verbatim record of the 1836th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1840 Provisional verbatim record of the 1840th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1843 Provisional verbatim record of the 1843rd meeting
A/C.1/PV.1844 Provisional verbatim record of the 1844th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1845 Provisional verbatim record of the 1845th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1850 Provisional verbatim record of the 1850th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1851 Provisional verbatim record of the 1851st meeting
A/C.1/PV.1852 Provisional verbatim record of the 1852nd meeting
A/C.1/PV.1853 Provisional verbatim record of the 1853rd meeting
A/C.1/PV.1854 Provisional verbatim record of the 1854th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1855 Provisional verbatim record of the 1855th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1856 Provisional verbatim record of the 1856th meeting
A/C.1/PV.1857 Provisional verbatim record of the 1857th meeting
A/SPC/SR.755 Provisional summary record of the 755th meeting
A/SPC/SR.756 Provisional summary record of the 756th meeting

Report of the First Committee

Symbol Title
A/8584 Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a zone of peace
A/8583 Economic and social consequences of the armaments race and its extremely harmful effects on world peace and security
A/8581 Establishment, within the framework of the International Atomic Energy Agency of an international service for nuclear explosions for peaceful purposes under appropriate international control
A/8573 General and complete disarmament
A/8574 Question of chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons
A/8582 Status of the implementation of General Assembly resolution 2666 (XXV) concerning the signature and ratification of Additional Protocol II of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (Treaty of Tlatelolco)
Urgent need for suspension of nuclear and thermonuclear tests
A/8484 Effects of Atomic radiation