Panel on the Effects of Nuclear War

Under Resolution A/RES/79/238 (‘Nuclear war effects and scientific research’), adopted on 24 December 2024, the United Nations General Assembly decided to establish an Independent Scientific Panel on the Effects of Nuclear War (“the Panel”). The Panel has been tasked with examining ‘the physical effects and societal consequences of a nuclear war on a local, regional and planetary scale, inter alia, the climatic, environmental and radiological effects, and their impacts on public health, global socioeconomic systems, agriculture and ecosystems, in the days, weeks and decades following a nuclear war.’ 

It will produce a comprehensive report, make key conclusions, and identify areas requiring future research. 

The Panel will conduct research in the following seven areas relevant to the topic of the report: 

1) Nuclear and Radiation Studies; 

2) Atmospheric Sciences and Climate; 

3) Earth and Life Sciences; 

4) Environment and Environmental Studies; 

5) Agriculture, Biology and Life Sciences; 

6) Public Health and Medicine; 

7) Behavioural and Social Sciences and Applied Economics.

The Panel will consist of 21 scientific experts, participating in their personal capacity, in the abovementioned fields, who will be selected on the basis of a public call and through nominations from Member States. Panel members will be appointed by the Secretary-General.

The Panel will also engage and receive inputs from the widest possible range of stakeholders, including international and regional organizations, civil society, and affected communities, in order to understand local, regional and global perspectives on the effects of a nuclear war.

Call for nominations (Published 3 February 2025) 

Resolution A/RES/79/238 encourages nominations from Member States, scientific and academic institutions, and from qualified individuals with specific expertise related to the work of the Panel. 

Member States that wish to nominate individuals are invited to do so by Note Verbale or other written means. 

Individuals that wish to submit a self-nomination are invited to fill out the application form found here

Scientific and academic institutions that wish to nominate individuals are invited to send an official letter to In addition, individuals being nominated by academic institutions must also submit a self-nomination through the application form found here.

The window for nominations will close on 1 March 2025

Applicants must fulfill the following mandatory requirements:

  • Have a minimum of 10 years of professional/academic experience in one of the abovementioned seven areas;
  • Have obtained a doctorate in one of the above mentioned seven areas;
  • Have a record of published articles in internationally recognized technical peer reviewed journals;
  • Be able to contribute to research on the effects of nuclear war in one of the abovementioned areas;
  • Be able to serve on the Panel from March 2025 until October 2027 and to attend regular meetings of the Panel.

In addition:

  • Experience in scientific communication is an asset;
  • Experience of participation in national or international collaborative technical interdisciplinary studies is an asset.

Evaluation of nominees 

The evaluation of nominees will be conducted on the basis of the nominee’s expertise, experience and suitability to the goals of the Scientific Panel. 

Nominees under consideration will be contacted directly. 


UN GA Resolution A/RES/79/238 ‘Nuclear war effects and scientific research’.

UN GA Resolution 40/152 G of 16 December 1985.

UN GA Resolution 41/86 H of 4 December 1986.

Study on the Climatic and Other Global Effects of Nuclear War, United Nations publication, Sales No. E.89.IX.1.

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