UNSGM experts join training course on sampling and transport of toxic and infectious substances  

September 20th, 2024

From 17-20 September 2024, the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA), in cooperation with the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)’s National Microbiology Laboratory, organized a training course on sampling and transport of toxic and infectious substances to enhance the operational readiness of experts on the roster of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Mechanism for Investigations of Alleged Use of Chemical and Biological Weapons (UNSGM) in Berlin, Germany.

A group of 14 qualified experts nominated by Member States to the UNSGM roster from 12 countries joined the course. Through two separate modules, the course provided participating experts with a better understanding of guidelines and practices for sampling and transport of toxic and infectious substances in the context of a possible UNSGM investigation. The first module was an International Air Transport Association (IATA) training on requirements for transporting toxic and infectious materials. The training was carried out by a certified IATA trainer and included a written exam. Participants who passed this exam received an IATA certificate, which is valid for two years.

The second module focused on sampling within the context of a UNSGM investigation. A representative from UNODA provided an overview of the relevant portions of the UNSGM Guidelines and Procedures and other relevant context for such incidents. Then, representatives from PHAC provided instruction and training activities on sampling tools and techniques. The module concluded with a short tabletop exercise on biological sampling and a group activity on entry and sample planning, in which participants were asked to apply the knowledge acquired during the rest of the course. 

In addition to the support provided by the RKI and PHAC, financial support for the workshop was generously provided by the European Union and the Government of Canada. 

For more information on the UNSGM workshop, please contact the UNODA team in support of the UNSGM at UNSGM@un.org.