On 16 August, the Nagasaki Peace Messenger as Youth Communicators for a world without nuclear weapons visited the United Nations Office at Geneva and met with Acting-Director of the Geneva Branch of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, Ms. Mary Soliman. The twenty-two students from Japan were accompanied by Ms. Tadako Kawazoe a Hibakusha (atomic bomb survivors) from Hiroshima.
During their visit, they handed over 125.413 signatures, collected by the students, calling for the elimination of nuclear weapons. Before handing over the signatures, the Peace Messengers attended the 1379th plenary meeting of the Conference on Disarmament. One of the students addressed the Conference to call for world peace. In their meeting with the Acting Director, the students shared their personal views and experiences in relation to nuclear disarmament and exchanged views on relevant issues.
The initiative of the Nagasaki Peace Messengers dates back from 1998, and since then 1.462.912 signatures have been collected by Nagasaki Peace Messenger and delivered to the United Nations. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Japan appoints the Peace Messengers as Youth Communicator for a world without nuclear weapons.
Photos from the event