Documents related to nuclear disarmament
Symbol | Document |
CD/1213 (12 August 1993) | Russian Federation: Statement related to nuclear weapons on Ukraine’s territory |
CD/1221 (27 August 1993) | Ukraine: Statement concerning nuclear disarmament of Ukraine |
CD/1225 (5 October 1993) | Russian Federation: Agreement with Ukraine regarding the recycling of nuclear warheads |
CD/1226 (5 October 1993) | Russian Federation: Statement regarding the elimination of nuclear weapons in Ukraine |
CD/1288* (28 October 1993) | Ukraine: Press release |
CD/1221 (27 August 1993) | Ukraine: Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada regarding ratification of START I |
CD/1230 (30 November 1993) | Russian Federation: statement regarding a decision by Ukraine on START I |
CD/1237 (21 January 1994) | Indonesia: Statement by President Soeharto on the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula |
CD/1243 (4 February 1994) | Russian Federation: Trilateral statement between the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the United States |
CD/1244 (8 February 1994) | Ukraine: START: resolution by the Verkhovna Rada |
CD/1248 (3 March 1994) | United Kingdom: Joint UK- Russian declaration on de-targeting nuclear missiles |
CD/1258 (19 May 1994) | United States: Joint US-Ukraine statement on security and defense matters |
CD/1278 (7 September 1994) | Netherlands: Statement on behalf of the WEOG on FMCT |
CD/1279 (7 September 1994) | Poland: Statement on behalf of the EEG on FMCT |
CD/1280 (12 September 1994) | Pakistan: Statement on para 39 of the annual CD report on fissile materials |
CD/1388 (14 March 1996) | G-21: Proposal for the establishment of an ad hoc committee on Nuclear Disarmament |
CD/1419 (7 August 1996) | G-21: Proposal for a programme of action for the elimination of nuclear weapons |
CD/1445 (13 February 1997) | Japan: Proposal for a Special Coordinator on Nuclear Disarmament |
CD/1450 (20 March 1997) | Iran: Proposal on a Programme of Work |
CD/1453 (1 April 1997) | Egypt: Working paper for a mandate of an ad hoc committee on Nuclear Disarmament |
CD/1456 (15 May 1997) | Canada: Views on the CD’s agenda and programme of work |
CD/1457 (15 May 1997) | India: Final document of the XII Ministerial conference of the NAM |
CD/1460 (26 May 1997) | United States and Russian Federation: Joint summit documents |
CD/1462 (5 June 1997) | G21: Proposal on a Programme of Work |
CD/1463 (12 June 1997) | Proposed mandate for an ad hoc committee on Nuclear Disarmament |
CD/1483 (20 January 1998) | South Africa: Draft decision and mandate on the establishment of an ad hoc committee on Nuclear Disarmament |
CD/1486 (21 January 1998) | Canada: Working paper concerning CD action on Nuclear Disarmament |
CD/1496 (12 February 1998) | Belgium: Proposal on nuclear issues |
CD/1542 (11 June 1998) | Sweden: Joint declaration relating to nuclear disarmament |
CD/1545 (31 July 1998) | Algeria: Proposal under item 1 of the agenda of the CD |
CD/1549 (12 August 1998) | G-21: Statement |
CD/1563 (26 January 1999) | Egypt: Draft mandate for an ad hoc committee on Nuclear Disarmament |
CD/1565 (2 February 1999) | Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway: Proposal on nuclear disarmament |
CD/1568 (4 February 1999) | Canada: proposal concerning CD action on Nuclear Disarmament |
CD/1571 (18 February 1999) | G-21: Draft decision and mandate on the establishment of an ad hoc committee on Nuclear Disarmament |
CD/1574 (9 March 1999) | Canada: Working paper: substantive discussion in the CD |
CD/1609 (24 March 2000) | New Zealand: Resolution on nuclear disarmament |
CD/1614 (25 May 2000) | Mexico: Portion of text adopted at the 2000 NPT RevCon |
CD/1644 (30 May 2001) | Russian Federation: Proposals concerning the programme of work |
CD/1683* (3 September 2002) | Ireland: paper submitted by the NAC at the first session of the PrepCom of the 2005 NPT RevCon |
CD/1707 (26 May 2003) | New Zealand: Paper submitted by the NAC at the second session of the PrepCom of the 2005 NPT RevCon |
CD/1709 (17 June 2003) | United Kingdom: Working paper submitted at the second session of the PrepCom of the 2005 NPT RevCon |
CD/1715 (2 September 2003) | Cuba: Note on the eighteenth session of the General Conference of OPANAL |
CD/1716* (29 September 2003) | Peru: Communique adopted by the Rio Group |
CD/INF.53 (1 September 2006) | CD Secretariat: Basic Documents of the Conference on Disarmament related to Nuclear Disarmament- compilation prepared by the Secretariat |
CD/1814 (14 February 2007) | United Kingdom: White paper: The future of the UK’s nuclear deterrent |
CD/1816 (20 February 2007) | India: Working paper: Nuclear Disarmament |
CD/1817 (23 February 2007) | Algeria: High Level African Regional Conference on the Contribution of Nuclear Energy to Peace and Sustainable Development |
CD/1821 (10 May 2007) | Cuba: Recommendations for achieving the objective of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, submitted by the NAM |
CD/1827 (16 August 2007) | Reports of the seven Coordinators on the work done during the 2007 session |
CD/1842 (26 March 2008) | France: Statement by President Sarkozy |
CD/1846 (15 August 2008) | Reports of the seven Coordinators on the work done during the 2008 session |
CD/1854 (18 December 2008) | France: Letter from Mr. Kouchner and statement of Mr. Sarkozy |
CD/1859 (13 March 2009) | Russia: Statement President on START I |
CD/1860 (27 March 2009) | France: Letter concerning the visit to the former military facilities at Pierrelatte and Marcoule |
CD/1861 (20 April 2009) | Russian Federation and the United States: London statement on reductions in strategic offensive arms |
CD/1877 (15 December 2009) | Reports of the seven coordinators submitted to the President of the Conference on the work done during the 2009 session on agenda items 1 to 7 |
CD/1881 (18 January 2010) | Australia and Japan: Letter dated 12 January 2010 from the permanent representatives of Australia and Japan to the conference on disarmament addressed to the secretary-general of the conference transmitting the synopsis of the report of the international commission on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament entitled “Eliminating nuclear threats: A practical agenda for global policymakers” |
CD/1891 (14 September 2010) | Islamic Republic of Iran: Working paper: The position paper of the G-21 on nuclear disarmament |
CD/1899 (14 September 2010) | Reports of the coordinators on agenda items one to seven |
CD/1904 (2 February 2011) | Pakistan: Letter dated 1 February 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Pakistan addressed to the President of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the text of the press statement issued by Pakistan’s National Command Authority dated 14 December 2010 |
CD/1908 (17 May 2011) | Germany: Letter dated 13 May 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Germany to the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Deputy Secretary- General of the Conference transmitting the text of the Berlin statement on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation issued by the Foreign Ministers of Australia, Canada, Chile, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates on 30 April 2011 |
CD/1914 (4 August 2011) | France: Letter dated 19 July 2011 from the Chargé d’affaires of France addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the text of the joint press release issued at the first meeting of the five permanent members of the Security Council in follow-up to the Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), held in Paris on 30 June-1 July 2011 |
CD/1915 (4 August 2011) | Cuba: Note verbale dated 3 August 2011 from the Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations Office at Geneva addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the text of the statement on peace and nuclear disarmament issued by the National Assembly of People’s Power of the Republic of Cuba on 28 July 2011 in Havana |
CD/1916 (15 August 2011) | Argentina and Brazil: Letter dated 8 August 2011 from the Permanent Representatives of Argentina and Brazil to the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting an article jointly authored by the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of those countries concerning the twentieth anniversary of the Agreement between Argentina and Brazil for the Exclusively Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy”, creating the Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials (ABACC) |
CD/1916/CORR.1 (19 September 2011) | Argentina and Brazil: Letter dated 8 August 2011 from the Permanent Representatives of Argentina and Brazil to the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting an article jointly authored by the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of those countries concerning the twentieth anniversary of the Agreement between Argentina and Brazil for the Exclusively Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy”, creating the Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials (ABACC) |
CD/1918 (7 September 2011) | Letter dated 1 September 2011 from the President of the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting the reports of the five Coordinators submitted to the President of the Conference on the work done during the 2011 session on agenda items 1 to 7 |
CD/1923 (13 September 2011) | Nigeria on behalf of the G-21: Working paper, Nuclear Disarmament |
CD/1934 (1 June 2012) | Cuba: Note verbale dated 30 May 2012 from the Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations Office at Geneva addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the text of the final statement of the Meeting of Cuban Civil Society Organizations on Peace and Nuclear Disarmament, adopted on 24 May 2012 in Havana |
CD/1936 (30 July 2012) | United States: Letter dated 20 July 2012 from the Permanent Representative of the United States of America to the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting a copy of the joint statement issued at the third meeting of the five permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations on implementing the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, held in Washington D.C. on 27 June 2012 |
CD/1937 (24 August 2012) | Turkey: Letter dated 22 August 2012 from the Permanent Representative of Turkey addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the text of the Istanbul statement adopted at the Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Initiative (NPDI) Ministerial Meeting held in Istanbul on 16 June 2012 |
CD/1938 (28 August 2012) | Syrian Arab Republic on behalf of the G-21: Working paper. Nuclear Disarmament |
CD/1942 (7 September 2012) | Kazakhstan: Note verbale dated 5 September 2012 from the Permanent Mission of Kazakhstan addressed to the Secretariat of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the text of the declaration and of the joint statement of the Heads of the member States of the Collective Security Treaty Organization adopted at the Summit in Moscow on 15 May 2012 |
CD/1950 (21 March 2013) | Cuba: Note verbale of 20 March 2013 addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament by the Permanent Mission of Cuba, transmitting the text of the Declaration adopted at the Workshop of Cuban Civil Society Organizations on Nuclear Disarmament held in Havana on 12 March 2013 |
CD/1953* (28 June 2013) | United States: Note verbale dated 25 June 2013 from the Delegation of the United States of America to the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting the text of the White House fact sheet on nuclear weapons employment strategy of the United States of America dated 19 June 2013 |
CD/1959 (9 September 2013) | Bangladesh on behalf of the G-21: Working paper. Nuclear disarmament |
CD/1962 (11 September 2013) | Pakistan: Letter dated 9 September 2013 from the Permanent Representative of Pakistan addressed to the President of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the press release issued by Pakistan’s National Command Authority on 5 September 2013 |
CD/1962/CORR.1 (13 September 2013) | Pakistan: Letter dated 9 September 2013 from the Permanent Representative of Pakistan addressed to the President of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the press release issued by Pakistan’s National Command Authority on 5 September 2013 |
CD/1995 (25 August 2014) | Letter dated 12 August 2014 from the President of the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Acting Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting the reports of the Coordinators on the various substantive agenda items in accordance with decision CD/1978 adopted by the Conference on 26 March 2014 establishing a schedule of activities of the 2014 session |
CD/2009 (23 January 2015) | Austria: Note verbale dated 20 January 2015 from the Permanent Mission of Austria addressed to the Acting Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the Chair’s summary of the Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons, which took place on 8 and 9 December 2014 in Vienna |
CD/2010 (23 January 2015) | Austria: Note verbale dated 20 January 2015 from the Permanent Mission of Austria addressed to the Acting Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the Austrian Pledge that was presented by Austria in her national capacity at the Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons, which took place on 8 and 9 December 2014 in Vienna |
CD/2026 (1 July 2015) | New Zealand: Letter dated 30 June 2015 from the Permanent Representative of New Zealand to the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Acting Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting the text of the paper entitled “Article VI of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons” submitted by New Zealand on behalf of the New Agenda Coalition to the 2015 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons |
CD/2032 (13 August 2015) | Indonesia on behalf of the G-21: Working paper. Follow-up to the 2013 High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on Nuclear Disarmament |
CD/2047 (12 October 2015) | Cuba: Note verbale, dated 12 October 2015, to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament from the Permanent Mission of Cuba, transmitting a declaration of the People’s National Assembly of the Republic of Cuba regarding the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons |
CD/2056 (3 March 2016) | Argentina: Note verbale dated 26 February 2016 addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament by the Permanent Mission of Argentina in its capacity as coordinator of the work of the Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean transmitting the communiqué issued on 14 February 2016 concerning the forty-ninth anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Tlatelolco |
CD/2063 (3 June 2016) | Malaysia on behalf of the G-21: Working paper. Nuclear disarmament |
CD/2067 (3 August 2016) | Mongolia on behalf of the G-21: Working paper. Follow-up to the 2013 High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on Nuclear Disarmament |
CD/2069 (3 August 2016) | Mongolia on behalf of the G-21: Working paper. Work of the Conference on Disarmament |
CD/2075 (14 September 2016) | Kazakhstan: Note Verbale dated 13 September 2016 from the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Secretariat of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the text of the Declaration “The Astana Vision: From a Radioactive Haze to a Nuclear-Weapon-Free-World” |
CD/2081 (14 November 2016) | Cuba: Note Verbale dated 26 September 2016 from the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Cuba to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the document entitled “Cuba commemorates the 26 September: International Day for total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons” |
CD/2082 (16 November 2016) | Belarus: Note verbale dated 3 November 2016 from the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Belarus to the secretariat of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus on the twentieth anniversary of the withdrawal of nuclear weapons by Belarus |
CD/2091 (23 February 2017) | Mexico: Note verbale dated 20 February 2017 from the Permanent Mission of Mexico addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the Declaration of the Member States of OPANAL on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Conclusion of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean |
CD/2096 (23 June 2017) | Netherlands: Letter dated 19 June 2017 from the Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament |
CD/2099 (12 September 2017) | Sri Lanka on behalf of the G-21: Working paper. Nuclear disarmament |
CD/2101 (12 September 2017) | Letter dated 11 September 2017 from the President of the Conference on Disarmament, Mr. Julio Herráiz to all Permanent Representatives of the Member and Non-Member States to the Conference on Disarmament |
CD/2106 (15 September 2017) | Myanmar: Letter dated 14 September 2017 from the Permanent Representative of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to the Secretary General of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the Report on the informal meetings on Agenda items 1 and 2 with general focus on nuclear disarmament |
CD/2113 (19 January 2018) | Mexico: Letter dated 25 September 2017 from the Permanent Mission of Mexico addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the declaration of the member States of the Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean on the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons |
CD/2114 (19 September 2018) | Letter dated 4 January 2018 from the Secretary-General of the United Nations addressed to the President of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the report of the conference to negotiate a legally binding instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons, leading towards their total elimination |
CD/2118 (19 February 2018) | Ukraine: Note Verbale dated 1 February 2018 from the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the Secretariat of the Conference on Disarmament, transmitting the Chair’s Summary of the International Workshop “Promoting the effective implementation of Resolution 1540 (2004) in the context of evolving proliferation risks and challenges”, which took place on 2-3 November2017 in Kyiv (Ukraine) |
CD/2122 (21 February 2018) | Sri Lanka: Note verbale dated 22 August 2017 from the Permanent Mission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, in its capacity as the Coordinator for the Group of 21, to the Secretariat of the Conference of Disarmament transmitting the G-21 Working paper on Follow-up to the 2013 High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on Nuclear Disarmament |
CD/2127 (5 June 2018) | Mexico: Note verbale dated 20 February 2018 addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament by the Permanent Mission of Mexico, transmitting a communiqué of the States members of the Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean on the fifty-first anniversary of the Treaty of Tlatelolco |
CD/2133 (17 August 2018) | Viet Nam on behalf of the G-21: Note verbale dated 3 August 2018 from the Permanent Mission of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam to the United Nations Office, the World Trade Organization and other International Organizations at Geneva addressed to the Secretariat of the Conference on Disarmament, and in its capacity as the Coordinator for the Group of 21. Follow-up to the 2013 High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on Nuclear Disarmament |
CD/2135 (17 August 2018) | Viet Nam on behalf of the G-21: Note verbale dated 3 August 2018 from the Permanent Mission of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam to the United Nations Office, the World Trade Organization and other International Organizations at Geneva addressed to the Secretariat of the Conference on Disarmament, and in its capacity as the Coordinator for the Group of 21. Nuclear disarmament. |
CD/2151 (24 January 2019) | Letter dated 2 January 2019 from the Secretary-General of the United Nations addressed to the President of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the resolutions and decisions on disarmament and international security matters adopted by the General Assembly at its seventy-third session |
CD/2156 (13 March 2019) | China: Note verbale dated 7 February 2019 from the Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China addressed to the Secretariat of the Conference on Disarmament and transmitting the Chair’s Summary of the P5 Beijing Conference |
CD/2158 (7 May 2019) | Belarus: Note Verbale dated 6 May 2019 from the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Belarus addressed to the Secretariat of the Conference on Disarmament, transmitting the Chairperson’s summary of the regional seminar on the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004), held in Minsk on 3 and 4 April 2019 |
CD/2161 (27 June 2019) | China and Russian Federation: Letter dated 11 June 2019 from the Permanent Representative of China to the Conference on Disarmament and the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting the text of the joint statement by Mr. Xi Jinping, President of China and by Mr. Vladimir V. Putin, President of the Russian Federation on strengthening contemporary global strategic stability adopted on 5 June 2019 |
CD/2168 (3 September 2019) | G-21: Statement on Nuclear Disarmament |
CD/2171 (3 September 2019) | G-21: Statement on Follow-up to the 2013 High Level Meeting of the General Assembly of Nuclear Disarmament |
CD/2185 (13 March 2020) | Mexico: Note Verbale dated 14 February 2020 from the Permanent Mission of Mexico, transmitting a copy of the “Communiqué of the Member States of the Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (OPANAL) on the 53rd Anniversary of the Treaty of Tlatelolco” (Inf. 02/2020Rev.7), dated 12 February 2020 |
CD/2186 (24 March 2020) | Belarus: Note Verbale dated 10 March 2020 from the Permanent Mission of Belarus, transmitting Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the entry into force of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons |
CD/2188 (4 May 2020) | Russian Federation: Note Verbale dated 30 April 2020 from the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation, transmitting Statement by the Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation concerning the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (New START) |
CD/2192 (28 August 2020) | G-21: Statement on Nuclear Disarmament |
CD/2195 (3 September 2020) | G-21: Statement on Follow-up to the 2013 High Level Meeting of the General Assembly of Nuclear Disarmament |
CD/2208 (15 January 2021) | Mexico: Note Verbale dated 29 September 2020 from the Permanent Mission of Mexico to the Secretariat of the Conference on Disarmament concerning the Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean and transmitting the text of a declaration made on the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons by the State members of the Agency |
CD/2214 (27 August 2021) | Malaysia on behalf of the G-21: Note Verbale dated 6 August from the Permanent Mission of Malaysia addressed to the Secretariat of the Conference on Disarmament and transferring the Statement of the Group 21 on Nuclear Disarmament |
CD/2392 ( 26 June 2024) | Subsidiary Body 1: Cessation of the nuclear arms race and nuclear disarmament |
Documents related to fissile materials
Symbol | Document |
CD/1299 (24 March 1995) | Shannon report |
CD/1302 (30 March 1995) | Canada: transmitting papers of a workshop held in Toronto, 16-19 January 1995 |
CD/1304 (4 April 1995) | Canada: Transmitting a publication on verification |
CD/1441 (22 January 1997) | United States: Statement by President Clinton |
CD/1485 (21 January 1998) | Canada: Working paper on an Ad Hoc Committee on an FMCT |
CD/1490 (28 January 1998) | United States: Statement from the President |
CD/1492 (3 February 1998) | Draft Decision on the establishment of an ad hoc committee |
CD/1516 (28 May 1998) | Japan: Chairman’s Summary of a seminar conference on technical issues for an FMCT held in Geneva, 11-12 May 1998 |
CD/1542 (11 June 1998) | Sweden: Joint declaration |
CD/1545 (31 July 1998) | Algeria: proposal under agenda item 1 |
CD/1547 (11 August 1998) | Decision on the establishment of an ad hoc committee under agenda item 1 |
CD/1548 (11 August 1998) | Statement by the President following adoption of CD/1547 |
CD/1549 (12 August 1998) | Statement by the G21 |
CD/1550 (12 August 1998) | Austria: Statement by the Foreign Minister |
CD/1551 (18 August 1998) | The Philippines: Statement by the Foreign Minister |
CD/1555 (1 September 1998) | Report of the ad hoc committee under agenda item 1 |
CD/1578 (18 March 1999) | Canada: Working paper: elements of an approach to dealing with stocks of fissile materials |
CD/1590 (19 August 1999) | Japan: Report of the Tokyo Forum |
CD/1593 (6 September 1999) | Finland: Declaration by the EU on fissile materials |
CD/1614 (25 May 2000) | Mexico: Portion of text adopted at the 2000 NPT RevCon |
CD/1671 (28 May 2002) | South Africa: Working paper: possible scope and requirements of the FMCT |
CD/1671/Add.1 (23 August 2002) | South Africa: Addendum to CD/1671 |
CD/1676 (19 June 2002) | The Netherlands: Summary of an informal meeting on fissile materials held in Geneva, 7 June 2002 |
CD/1683* (3 September 2002) | Ireland: Paper submitted by the NAC to the First PrepCom of the 2005 NPT RevCon |
CD/1691 (13 January 2003) | The Netherlands: Summary of a second informal meeting on fissile materials held in Geneva, 25 September 2002 |
CD/1705 (26 May 2003) | The Netherlands: Summary of a fourth informal meeting on fissile materials held in Geneva, 4 April 2003 |
CD/1707 (26 May 2003) | New Zealand: paper submitted by the NAC to the Second PrepCom of the 2005 NPT RevCon |
CD/1709 (17 June 2003) | United Kingdom: Working paper submitted to the Second PrepCom of the 2005 NPT RevCon |
CD/1714 (19 August 2003) | Japan: Working paper on a FMCT treaty |
CD/1719 (9 October 2003) | The Netherlands: Summary of a fifth informal meeting on fissile materials held in Geneva, 26 September 2003 |
CD/1724 (31 December 2003) | Italy: EU strategy against proliferation of WMD |
CD/1734 (7 May 2004) | The Netherlands: Summary of a sixth informal meeting on fissile materials held in Geneva, 2 April 2004 |
CD/1751 (10 June 2005) | The Netherlands: Common position of the EU to the 2005 NPT RevCon |
CD/1752 (27 June 2005) | Malaysia: Working paper by the NAM to the 2005 NPT RevCon |
CD/1770 (4 May 2006) | Canada: Elements of an Approach to Dealing with Stocks of Fissile Materials for Nuclear Weapons or Other Nuclear Explosive Devices |
CD/1771 (12 May 2006) | Switzerland: A Pragmatic Approach to the Verification of a FMCT |
CD/1772 (15 May 2006) | Italy: Banning the Production of Fissile Material to Prevent Catastrophic Nuclear Terrorism |
CD/1773 (15 May 2006) | Italy: FMCT’s Entry Into Force: Possible Options |
CD/1774 (16 May 2006) | Japan: FMCT: A Contribution to Constructive Discussions |
CD/1775 (17 May 2006) | Australia: Suggestions for Progressing the FMCT |
CD/1776 (19 May 2006) | United States: Draft Mandate for an Ad Hoc Committee on a FMCT |
CD/1777 (19 May 2006) | United States: Draft FMCT |
CD/INF.49 (9 May 2006) | Basic Documents of the Conference on Disarmament related to the Prohibition of the Production of Fissile Material for Nuclear Weapons or other Nuclear Explosive Devices – compilation prepared by the Secretariat |
CD/1819 (21 March 2007) | Canada: An FMCT Scope – Verification Arrangement |
CD/1827 (16 August 2007) | Reports of the seven Coordinators on the work done during the 2007 session |
CD/1846 (15 August) | Reports of the seven Coordinators on the work done during the 2008 session |
CD/1877 (15 December 2009) | Reports of the seven coordinators submitted to the President of the Conference on the work done during the 2009 session on agenda items 1 to 7 |
CD/1878 (15 December 2009) | The Netherlands and Japan: Draft for discussion prepared by the international panel on fissile materials: A treaty banning the production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices, with article-by-article explanations |
CD/1888 (14 June 2010) | Brazil: Proposal on the structure of a FMCT |
CD/1895 (14 September 2010) | Australia: Working paper. Suggestions for the substance of the FMCT |
CD/1896 (14 September 2010) | Australia: Working paper, Outline of possible verification provisions of the FMCT |
CD/1906 (14 March 2011) | Australia: Chair’s report of the Australia-Japan expert’s side event on FMCT definitions, held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva on 14-16 February 2011 |
CD/1909 (27 May 2011) | Australia: Chair’s report of the Australia-Japan experts side event on FMCT verification, held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva on 21-23 March 2011 |
CD/1910 (9 June 2011) | Bulgaria, Germany, Mexico, Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Sweden and Turkey: Working Paper on FMCT |
CD/1917 (2 September 2011) | Japan: Report of Mr. Akio Suda, Ambassador of Japan to the Conference on Disarmament and Chair of the “Japan-Australia Experts Side Event on FMCT Verification” held at the Palais des Nations on 30 May and 1 June 2011 |
CD/1918 (7 September 2011) | Reports of the five Coordinators submitted to the President of the Conference on the work done during the 2011 session on agenda items 1 to 7 |
CD/1919 (12 September 2011) | Australia: The 2011 Australia-Japan FMCT Experts Side Events: Chairs’ Final Report, Mr. Peter Woolcott, Ambassador of Australia and Mr. Akio Suda, Ambassador of Japan |
CD/1921 (13 September 2011) | United States: Letter dated 2 September 2011 from the Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the United States of America addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting a press release issued by the Department of State of the United States of America regarding the P-5 consultations on a fissile material cut-off treaty (FMCT) held in Geneva on 30 August 2011 |
CD/1935 (26 June 2012) | Germany and Netherlands: Letter dated 25 June 2012 from the Permanent Representatives of Germany and the Netherlands to the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting the report of the meeting of scientific experts on technical issues related to a fissile material cut-off treaty (FMCT), held in Geneva on 29 and 30 May 2012 |
CD/1943 (13 September 2012) | Netherlands and Germany: Letter dated 11 September 2012 from the Permanent Representatives of the Netherlands and Germany to the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting the report of the second meeting of scientific experts on technical issues related to a treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons and other nuclear explosive devices based on resolution 66/44 of the General Assembly of the United Nations, held in Geneva on 28 and 29 August 2011 |
CD/1995 (25 August 2014) | Letter dated 12 August 2014 from the President of the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Acting Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting the reports of the Coordinators on the various substantive agenda items in accordance with decision CD/1978 adopted by the Conference on 26 March 2014 establishing a schedule of activities of the 2014 session |
CD/2020 (9 April 2015) | France: Letter dated 9 April 2015 from the Permanent Representative of France to the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Acting Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting a draft Treaty Banning the Production of Fissile Material for Nuclear Weapons or Other Nuclear Explosive Devices prepared by the Government of France |
CD/2023 (22 June 2015) | Letter dated 22 June 2015 from the Secretary-General of the United Nations addressed to the President of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the report of the Group of governmental Experts established by resolution 67/53 to make recommendations on possible aspects that could contribute to but not negotiate a treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices |
CD/2024 (1 July 2015) | Canada: Working Paper – Considering verification implications of fissile material definitions and of fissile material categories for future treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices |
CD/2025 (1 July 2015) | Canada: Working paper – Questions to stimulate discussion of the elements of a treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices |
CD/2027 (27 July 2015) | Australia: Working Paper – Protection of sensitive information under FMCT verification |
CD/2028 (27 July 2015) | Working Paper – Fissile material types potentially relevant to FMCT verification |
CD/2105 (15 September 2017) | Germany: Report of the discussions on agenda items 1 and 2 with general focus on the ban of the production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons and other nuclear explosive devices and a report of the discussions on agenda item 4 on effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons |
CD/2139 (11 September 2018) | Subsidiary Body 2: Prevention of nuclear war, including all related matters. Report. (Adopted at the 1470th plenary meeting on 5 September 2018) |
CD/2152 (18 January 2019) | Letter dated 16 January 2019 from the Secretary-General of the United Nations addressed to the President of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the report of the High-level Fissile Material Cut-off treaty (FMCT) Expert Preparatory Group established by resolution 71/259 |
CD/2394 ( 6 August 2024 ) | Subsidiary Body 2: Prevention of nuclear war, including all related matters |
Documents related to the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space
Symbol | Document |
CD/1217 (19 August 1993) | Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on PAROS |
CD/1271 (24 August 1994) | Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on PAROS |
CD/1487 (21 January 1998) | Canada: Working Paper concerning CD action on Outer Space |
CD/1569 (4 February 1999) | Canada: Proposal concerning CD action on Outer Space |
CD/1576* (18 March 1999) | China: Draft decision on the re-establishment of an ad hoc committee on PAROS |
CD/1606 (9 February 2000) | China: Working paper: China’s position on and suggestions for addressing PAROS at the CD |
CD/1645 (6 June 2001) | China: Possible elements of the future international legal instrument on PAROS |
CD/1679 (28 June 2002) | China and Russian Federation: Possible elements of the future international legal instrument on the prevention of deployment of weapons in outer space, the threat or use of force against outer space objects |
CD/1680 (10 July 2002) | United States: Text of the remarks made at an informal conference on “Future security in space: Commercial, military and arms control trade-offs” |
CD/1682 (30 August 2002) | China: Draft decision on the re-establishment of an ad hoc committee on PAROS |
CD/1687 (8 October 2002) | Russian Federation: Response of the Minister for Foreign Affairs to a question on the prevention of the deployment of weapons in space |
CD/1710 (26 June 2003) | Russian Federation: Development of an initiative to promote openness and to build confidence in outer space activities |
CD/1710 (26 June 2003) | Russian Federation: development of an initiative to promote openness and to build confidence in outer space activities |
CD/1753* (8 July 2005) | Russian Federation and China: report of the international conference on “Safeguarding Space Security…” |
CD/1756* (15 September 2005) | Russian Federation: Summary of the open ended informal meeting on PAROS |
CD/1769 (14 February 2006) | Russian Federation and China: Compilation of comments and suggestions to CD/1679 |
CD/INF.50 (23 June 2006) | CD Secretariat: Basic Documents of the Conference on Disarmament related to the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space – prepared by the Secretariat |
CD/INF.50/Add.1 (1 February 2007) | CD Secretariat: Basic Documents of the Conference on Disarmament related to the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space – prepared by the Secretariat, Addendum |
CD/1815 (20 February 2007) | Canada: “Transparency and confidence building measures in outer space” |
CD/1818 (14 March 2007) | Russian Federation and China: revised and amended compilation of comments and suggestions to CD/1679 |
CD/1827 (16 August 2007) | Reports of the seven Coordinators on the work done during the 2007 session |
CD/1829 (13 August 2007) | Canada: Conference report “Celebrating the space age: 50 years of space technology, 40 yaers of the OST” |
CD/1836 (12 February 2008 | China: Message from the Minister for Foreign Affairs |
CD/1839 (29 February 2008) | Russian Federation and China: Draft PPWT |
CD/1844 (23 June 2008) | Canada: Report of the UNIDIR seminar “Security in Space: the next generation” |
CD/1846 (15 August 2008) | Reports of the seven Coordinators on the work done during the 2008 session |
CD/1847 (26 August 2008) | United States: Comments on the PPWT in CD/1839 |
CD/1865 (5 June 2009) | Canada: draft transparency and confidence building measures and treaty proposals for space security |
CD/1872 (18 August 2009) | China and Russian Federation: Letter dated 18 August 2009 from the Permanent Representative of China and the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting answers to the principal questions and comments on the draft “treaty on prevention of the placement of weapons in Outer Space and of the threat or use of force against outer space objects (PPWT)” introduced by the Russian Federation and China and issued as document CD/1839 dated 29 February 2008. |
CD/1874 (25 August 2009) | Russian Federation: Updated proposals by the Russian Federation relating to the report by the United Nations Secretary-General on ‘Transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space activities’, prepared in pursuance of United Nations General Assembly resolution 63/68” |
CD/1876 (7 September 2009) | Canada: Report on the conference “Space Security 2009: Moving towards a Safer Space Environment, Geneva, 15-16 June 2009 |
CD/1877 (15 December 2009) | Reports of the seven coordinators submitted to the President of the Conference on the work done during the 2009 session on agenda items 1 to 7 |
CD/1890 (13 July 2010) | Canada: Letter dated 9 July 2010 from the Permanent Mission of Canada to the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting the report of a conference organized by UNIDIR entitled “Space security 2010: From foundations to negotiations” held from 29 to 30 March in Geneva. |
CD/1899 (14 September 2010) | Reports of the coordinators on agenda items one to seven |
CD/1912 (23 August 2011) | Canada: Letter dated 21 June 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Canada to the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting the summary report on the tenth annual space security conference entitled Space Security 2011: Building on the Past, Stepping toward the Future, organized by the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) in April 2011 |
CD/1918 (7 September 2011) | Letter dated 1 September 2011 from the President of the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting the reports of the five Coordinators submitted to the President of the Conference on the work done during the 2011 session on agenda items 1 to 7 |
CD/1925 (13 September 2011) | Nigeria on behalf of the G-21: Working paper, Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space |
CD/1941 (30 August 2012) | Syrian Arab Republic on behalf of the G-21: Working paper, Prevention of an arms race in outer space |
CD/1960 (9 September 2013) | Bangladesh on behalf of the G-21: Working paper, Prevention of an arms race in outer space |
CD/1985 (12 June 2014) | Russian Federation and China: updated draft PPWT |
CD/1995 (25 August 2014) | Letter dated 12 August 2014 from the President of the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Acting Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting the reports of the Coordinators on the various substantive agenda items in accordance with decision CD/1978 adopted by the Conference on 26 March 2014 establishing a schedule of activities of the 2014 session |
CD/1998 (3 September 2014) | United States: Note verbale dated 2 September 2014 from the Delegation of the United States of America to the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Acting Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting the United States of America analysis of the 2014 Russian-Chinese draft treaty on the prevention of the placement of weapons in outer space, the threat or use of force against outer space object |
CD/2031 (13 August 2015) | Indonesia on behalf of the G-21: Working paper. Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space |
CD/2042 (14 September 2015) | Letter dated 11 September 2015 from the Permanent Representative of China to the Conference on Disarmament and the Charge d’affaires a.i. of the Russian Federation addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting the comments by China and the Russian Federation regarding the United States of America analysis of the 2014 updated Russian and Chinese texts of the draft treaty on prevention of the placement of weapons in outer space and of the threat or use of force against outer space objects (PPWT) |
CD/2060 (4 April 2016) | Venezuela and Russian Federation: Letter dated 23 March 2016 from the Permanent Representatives of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Russian Federation addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the text of the joint statement by the Minister of the People’s Power for Foreign Affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation to declare that they will not be the first to place weapons of any kind in outer space, signed in New York on 26 September 2015 |
CD/2062 (3 June 2016) | Malaysia on behalf of the G-21: Working paper. Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS) |
CD/2078 (15 September 2016) | United States: Note Verbale dated 29 August 2016 from the Delegation of the United States of America addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the submission of the United States to the Conference on Disarmament: “Implementing the Recommendations of the Report (A/68/189*) of the Group of Governmental Experts on Transparency and Confidence-Building Measures in Outer Space Activities to Enhance Stability in Outer Space” |
CD/2098 (6 September 2017) | Russian Federation: Letter dated 9 August 2017 from the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation, addressed to the Secretary General of the Conference on Disarmament, transmitting the Joint Statement by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Tran Dai Quang of 29 June, 2017, with regard to the no first placement of weapons of any kind in Outer Space |
CD/2121 (21 February 2018) | Sri Lanka on behalf of the G-21: Note verbale dated 22 August 2017 from the Permanent Mission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, in its capacity as the Coordinator for the Group of 21, to the Secretariat of the Conference of Disarmament transmitting the G-21 Working paper on Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS) n.b. This document was originally submitted during the 2017 session of the Conference on Disarmament |
CD/2129 (16 August 2018) | United States: Note verbale dated 2 August 2018 from the Delegation of the United States of America to the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting the United States response to CD/2042 (14 September 2015), titled “Letter dated 11 September 2015 from the Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of China to the Conference on Disarmament and the Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Russian Federation regarding the United States of America analysis of the 2014 updated Russian and Chinese texts of the draft treaty on prevention of the placement of weapons in outer space and of the threat or use of force against outer space objects (PPWT)” |
CD/2132 (17 August 2018) | Viet Nam: Note verbale dated 3 August 2018 from the Permanent Mission of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam to the United Nations Office, the World Trade Organization and other International Organizations at Geneva addressed to the Secretariat of the Conference on Disarmament, and in its capacity as the Coordinator for the Group of 21 on the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS) |
CD/2140 (11 September 2018) | Subsidiary Body 3: Prevention of an arms race in outer space. Report. (Adopted at the 1470th plenary meeting on 5 September 2018) |
CD/2160 (13 June 2019) | Russian Federation and Pakistan: Joint letter dated 3 June 2019 from the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation and the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan addressed to the Secretary General of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the text of the Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on the no first placement of weapons of any kind in Outer Space signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei V. Lavrov and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi on 22 May 2019 |
CD/2161 (27 June 2019) | China and Russian Federation: Letter dated 11 June 2019 from the Permanent Representative of China to the Conference on Disarmament and the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting the text of the joint statement by Mr. Xi Jinping, President of China and by Mr. Vladimir V. Putin, President of the Russian Federation on strengthening contemporary global strategic stability adopted on 5 June 2019 |
CD/2164 (8 August 2019) | United Kingdom: Note verbal dated 27 June 2019 from the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland addressed to the Office for Disarmament Affairs, in its capacity as the secretariat of the Conference on Disarmament, transmitting the report of a Wilton Park conference held on 31 March to 2 April 2019 entitled “Operating in space: towards developing protocols on the norms of behaviour” |
CD/2169 (3 September 2019) | G-21: Statement on the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS) |
CD/2181 (15 January 2020) | Russian Federation: Letter dated 23 October 2019 from the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation addressed to the Secretary-General of the of the Conference on Disarmament, Ms. Tatiana Valovaya, transmitting the text of the Joint Statement of the CIS States Parties on Supporting Practical Steps to Prevent an Arms Race in Outer Space adopted by the CIS States Parties’ Ministers of Foreign Affairs on October 10, 2019 |
CD/2193 (2 September 2020) | G-21: Statement on the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS). |
CD/2115 (27 August 2021) | Malaysia: Note Verbale dated 6 August 2021 from the Permanent Mission of Malaysia addressed to the Secretariat of the Conference on Disarmament and transferring the Statement of the Group 21 on the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space |
CD/2393 ( 1 July 2024 ) | Subsidiary Body 3: Prevention of an arms race in outer space |
Documents related to Negative Security Assurances
Symbol | Document |
CD/SA/WP.15 (16 March 1993) | Compilation of Basic Documents of the Conference on Disarmament related to the question of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapons-states against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons – compilation prepared by the Secretariat for the Ad Hoc Committee |
CD/1219 (25 August 1993) | Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on NSA |
CD/1256 (31 March 1994) | G-21: Declaration on NSA |
CD/1275 (30 August 1994) | Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on NSA |
CD/1277 (6 September 1994) | G- 21: G-21 Statement – Draft Protocol on security assurances |
CD/1277/Corr.1 (7 September 1994) | G- 21: G-21 Statement – Draft Protocol on security assurances |
CD/1285 (21 December 1994) | United States, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Russia: Joint declaration |
CD/1285/Corr.1 (19 January 1995) | United States, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Russia: Joint declaration (Corrigendum) |
CD/1287 (13 January 1995) | Belarus, USA, UK, Russia: Memorandum of security assurances |
CD/1305 (7 April 1995) | United States: Declaration on security assurances |
CD/1306 (7 April 1995) | United Kingdom: Declaration on security assurances |
CD/1307 (7 April 1995) | France: Declaration on security assurances |
CD/1309 (7 April 1995) | China: Declaration on security assurances |
CD/1311 (10 April 1995) | Russia: Declaration on security assurances |
CD/1312 (11 April 1995) | G-21: statement on security assurances |
CD/1313 (13 April 1995) | Bulgaria: Declaration on UNSC Resolution 984 |
CD/1502 (2 April 1998) | Canada: Questions related to the work of the CD on NSA |
CD/1534 (28 May 1998) | Colombia: Final communiqué of the NAM ministerial meeting |
CD/SA/WP.15/Add.1 (5 June 1998) | Compilation of Basic Documents of the Conference on Disarmament related to the question of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapons-states against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons – compilation prepared by the Secretariat for the Ad Hoc Committee, addendum to CD/SA/WP.15 |
CD/1542 (11 June 1998) | Sweden: Joint declaration on nuclear disarmament |
CD/1554 (1 September 1998) | Report of the Ad hoc committee on NSA |
CD/INF.51 (17 July 2006) | Basic Documents of the Conference on Disarmament related to the question of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapons-states against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons – compilation prepared by the Secretariat |
CD/1827 (16 August 2007) | Reports of the seven Coordinators on the work done during the 2007 session |
CD/1846 (15 August 2008) | Reports of the seven Coordinators on the work done during the 2008 session |
CD/1877 (15 December 2009) | Reports of the seven coordinators submitted to the President of the Conference on the work done during the 2009 session on agenda items 1 to 7 |
CD/1892 (14 September 2010) | Islamic Republic of Iran: Working paper. The position paper of the G-21 on negative security assurances |
CD/1899 (14 September 2010) | Reports of the coordinators on agenda items one to seven |
CD/1918 (7 September 2011) | Letter dated 1 September 2011 from the President of the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting the reports of the five Coordinators submitted to the President of the Conference on the work done during the 2011 session on agenda items 1 to 7 |
CD/1924 (13 September 2011) | Nigeria on behalf of the G-21: Working paper, Negative Security Assurances |
CD/1940 (30 August 2012) | Syrian Arab Republic on behalf of the G-21: Working paper, Negative Security Assurances |
CD/1995 (25 August 2014) | Letter dated 12 August 2014 from the President of the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Acting Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting the reports of the Coordinators on the various substantive agenda items in accordance with decision CD/1978 adopted by the Conference on 26 March 2014 establishing a schedule of activities of the 2014 session |
CD/2045 (15 September 2015) | Islamic Republic of Iran on behalf of the G-21: Working Paper – Negative Security Assurances |
CD/2068 (3 August 2016) | Mongolia on behalf of the G-21: Working paper – Negative security assurances |
CD/2120 (21 February 2018) | Sri Lanka: Note verbale dated 22 August 2017 from the Permanent Mission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, in its capacity as the Coordinator for the Group of 21, to the Secretariat of the Conference of Disarmament transmitting the G-21 Working paper on Negative security assurances |
CD/2131 (17 August 2018) | Viet Nam: Note verbale dated 3 August 2018 from the Permanent Mission of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam to the United Nations Office, the World Trade Organization and other International Organizations at Geneva addressed to the Secretariat of the Conference on Disarmament, and in its capacity as the Coordinator for the Group of 21 Negative Security Assurances |
CD/2170 (3 September 2019) | G-21: Statement on negative Security Assurances |
CD/2194 (3 September 2020) | G-21: Statement on negative Security Assurances |
CD/2216 (27 August 2021) | Malaysia: Note Verbale dated 6 August 2021 from the Permanent Mission of Malaysia addressed to the Secretariat of the Conference on Disarmament and transferring the Statement of the Group 21 on Negative Security Assurances |
CD/2395 ( 8 August 2024 ) | Subsidiary Body 4: Effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons |
Documents related to New Types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons; radiological weapons
Symbol | Document |
CD/1827 (16 August 2007) | Letter dated 10 August 2007 from the President of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the reports of the seven coordinators submitted to the President of the Conference on the work done during the 2007 session on agenda items 1 to 7 |
CD/1846 (15 August 2008) | Letter dated 19 August 2008 from the President of the Conference on Disarmament on behalf of the 2008 presidents transmitting the reports of the 7 coordinators submitted to the President of the Conference on the work done during the 2008 session on agenda items 1 to 7 |
CD/1877 (15 December 2009) | Reports of the seven coordinators submitted to the President of the Conference on the work done during the 2009 session on agenda items 1 to 7 |
CD/1875 (1 September 2009) | Egypt: Paragraphs 1-3 and paragraphs 102-163.2 of the Final Document of the XV Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Non-Aligned Movement |
CD/1995 (25 August 2014) | Letter dated 12 August 2014 from the President of the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Acting Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting the reports of the Coordinators on the various substantive agenda items in accordance with decision CD/1978 adopted by the Conference on 26 March 2014 establishing a schedule of activities of the 2014 session |
CD/2102 (14 September 2017) | Letter dated 8 September 2017 from the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Belarus Mr. Yury Ambrazevich to the Secretary General of the Conference on Disarmament |
CD/2141 (11 September 2018) | Subsidiary Body 5. Report. (Adopted at the 1470th plenary meeting on 5 September 2018) |
CD/2396 ( 14 August 2024 ) | Subsidiary Body 5: New types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons; radiological weapons – Comprehensive programme of disarmament – Transparency in armaments |
Documents related to the Comprehensive programme of disarmament
Symbol | Document |
CD/1827 (16 August 2007) | Letter dated 10 August 2007 from the President of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the reports of the seven coordinators submitted to the President of the Conference on the work done during the 2007 session on agenda items 1 to 7 |
CD/1846 (15 August 2008) | Letter dated 19 August 2008 from the President of the Conference on Disarmament on behalf of the 2008 presidents transmitting the reports of the 7 coordinators submitted to the President of the Conference on the work done during the 2008 session on agenda items 1 to 7 |
CD/1877 (15 December 2009) | Reports of the seven coordinators submitted to the President of the Conference on the work done during the 2009 session on agenda items 1 to 7 |
CD/1995 (25 August 2014) | Letter dated 12 August 2014 from the President of the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Acting Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting the reports of the Coordinators on the various substantive agenda items in accordance with decision CD/1978 adopted by the Conference on 26 March 2014 establishing a schedule of activities of the 2014 session |
CD/2058 (22 March 2016) | Letter dated 16 March 2016 from the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting a Russian initiative on an international convention for the suppression of acts of chemical terrorism |
CD/2059 (29 March 2016) | Letter dated 28 March 2016 from the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting an explanatory note and the text of elements of the draft international convention for the suppression of acts of chemical terrorism |
CD/2071 (3 August 2016) | Letter dated 3 August 2016 from the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the texts of elements of the draft international convention for the suppression of acts of chemical and biological terrorism and the attached addendum |
CD/2102 (14 September 2017) | Letter dated 8 September 2017 from the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Belarus Mr. Yury Ambrazevich to the Secretary General of the Conference on Disarmament |
CD/2141 (11 September 2018) | Subsidiary Body 5. Report. (Adopted at the 1470th plenary meeting on 5 September 2018) |
CD/2396 ( 14 August 2024 ) | Subsidiary Body 5: New types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons; radiological weapons – Comprehensive programme of disarmament – Transparency in armaments |
Documents related to Transparency in armaments
Symbol | Document |
CD/1827 (16 August 2007) | Letter dated 10 August 2007 from the President of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the reports of the seven coordinators submitted to the President of the Conference on the work done during the 2007 session on agenda items 1 to 7 |
CD/1846 (15 August 2008) | Letter dated 19 August 2008 from the President of the Conference on Disarmament on behalf of the 2008 presidents transmitting the reports of the 7 coordinators submitted to the President of the Conference on the work done during the 2008 session on agenda items 1 to 7 |
CD/1877 (15 December 2009) | Reports of the seven coordinators submitted to the President of the Conference on the work done during the 2009 session on agenda items 1 to 7 |
CD/1995 (25 August 2014) | Letter dated 12 August 2014 from the President of the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Acting Secretary-General of the Conference transmitting the reports of the Coordinators on the various substantive agenda items in accordance with decision CD/1978 adopted by the Conference on 26 March 2014 establishing a schedule of activities of the 2014 session |
CD/2102 (14 September 2017) | Letter dated 8 September 2017 from the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Belarus Mr. Yury Ambrazevich to the Secretary General of the Conference on Disarmament |
CD/2141 (11 September 2018) | Subsidiary Body 5. Report. (Adopted at the 1470th plenary meeting on 5 September 2018) |
CD/2396 ( 14 August 20204 ) | Subsidiary Body 5: New types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons; radiological weapons – Comprehensive programme of disarmament – Transparency in armaments |