Promoting Further Openness and Transparency in Military Matters: An Assessment of the United Nations Stardardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures

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UN Publications
This publication was prepared to facilitate the discussions of the Group of Governmental Experts on the Operation and Further Development of the United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures, which released its report in 2011. The paper argues for a reconsideration of the matrix, linking the Instrument to other activities on the nexus of security and development (such as security sector reform) and to other reporting obligations in order to increase its relevance.
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Dr. Sam Perlo-Freeman, co-author)
Product Details
ISBN: 978-92-1-142276-4
Sales No.: E.10.IX.5
Publication date: November 2010