United Nations Seminar on Implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1540 in Latin America and the Caribbean
27-28 November 2006, Lima, Peru

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Occasional Paper No. 13 is the third in a series of publications produced by the Office for Disarmament Affairs compiling the rich set of presentations and power points made by participants in three regional seminars on implementing Security Council resolution 1540 (2004) that took place in 2006. Occasional Paper No. 11 deals with the seminar held in Beijing in March for Asia and the Pacific and Occasional Paper No. 12 with the seminar held in Accra, Ghana in November for the African region.
Nobuaki Tanaka, Annalisa Giannella, Ángel Lossada Torres-Quevedo, Gonzalo Gutiérrez Reinel, Peter Burian, Sheridon Hill, Lourdes Vez Carmona, Malik Azhar Ellahi, João Marcelo Galvão de Queiroz, Luis Andrade Falla, Leticia Ortiz Cruz, Claude Bridgewater, Thomas A. Wuchte, Sergio Marchuk, Jonathan Clare, Sandra Bart, Liliam Ballón de Amézaga
Product Details
ISBN: 9789211561371
Sales No.: E.08.IX.3 P
Publication date: December 2007