United Nations Seminar on Implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1540 in Asia and the Pacific
12-13 July 2006, Beijing, China

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This Occasional Paper presents, in edited form, the papers or statements made at the UN Seminar on “Implementing the UNSC Resolution 1540 (2004) in Asia and the Pacific”, which was aimed at raising awareness about the obligations and requirements of the resolution and at increasing and facilitating cooperation and assistance in implementing it at the national and regional levels.
Cui Tiankai, Nobuaki Tanaka, Peter Burian, William Ehrman, Ma Shengkun, Jong Kwon Youn, Naveen Srivastava, Sophia McIntyre, Peter Colgan, Huang Wei, Igor S. Vishnevetskiy, Malik Azhar Ellahi, Ngyuen Hai Luu, Chiew Sum Chi, Odd Berner Malme, Yuan Longhua, Annalisa Giannella, Natascha Wessel, Philip Divett, Jaime Victor Ledda, Sho Ohno, Thomas A. Wuchte, Colonel Kouth Thavy, Kairat Sarzhanov, Wu Haitao
Product Details
ISBN: n.a.
Sales No.: n.a.
Publication date: Ocotober 2006