Youth Leader Fund Participants Adopt DeclarACTION

سبتمبر 5th, 2024

On 29 August, Participants of the Youth Leader Fund for a World without Nuclear Weapons (YLF) held the inaugural Youth Leader Conference in Hiroshima, Japan. At this milestone event, the young leaders presented and adopted their Declaration for a World without Nuclear Weapons, or simply “DeclarACTION.”

The text, as presented and adopted, is below. To view and download the text as a PDF, click here.

DeclarACTION: Declaration for a World Without Nuclear Weapons

            On 29 August 2024, the inaugural cohort of the Youth Leader Fund for a World Without Nuclear Weapons (the Youth Leader Fund), funded by the Government of Japan and organized by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) in partnership with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research Office in Hiroshima, gathered in Japan, to address the global threat posed by nuclear weapons, which continues to endanger the survival of humanity today.


In light of the deteriorating international security environment, we emphasise the urgent need for political will, diplomacy, international cooperation and unity of nations to achieve effective global disarmament.


We honour the Hibakusha – the survivors of the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki – whose experiences remind us of the devastating and long-lasting impacts of nuclear weapons. Their legacy underscores the need to focus collective efforts on the prevention of future nuclear catastrophes through the elimination of nuclear weapons.


The recommendations and commitments herein, by the inaugural cohort of the Youth Leader Fund, is a culmination of a year-long learning journey of 100 youth leaders worldwide now determined to life-long work towards achieving a world without nuclear weapons, whilst supporting disarmament goals, as established by the United Nations and other international and regional institutions focused on peacebuilding, nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.


These recommendations and commitments are based on three pillars: Hibakusha and Community Engagement; Youth Participation in Political and Inter-Governmental Processes; and Research and Academia.




Recalling United Nations General Assembly resolutions, 74/64, 76/45 and 78/31 focused on Youth, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation, as well as the milestone United Nations Security Council resolution 2250 (2015) on Youth, Peace and Security and its subsequent resolutions on the topic;

青年・軍縮・不拡散に関する国連総会決議76/64、76/45、78/31 、青年・平和・安全保障に関する画期的な国連安全保障理事会決議2250(2015)および後続の関連決議を想起し、

Celebrating the collective contributions of Member States, think tanks, youth organisations, foundations, educational institutions, civil society and other stakeholders towards advancing nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, and welcoming them to endorse and cooperate with us in implementing the following actions to achieve a world without nuclear weapons;


Determined to support the safe, secure, and responsible use of nuclear energy for the advancement of humanity and the preservation of our planet, acknowledging its significant benefits to humankind when utilised exclusively for peaceful purposes;


We, the Youth Leader Fund participants, as the first-ever international youth platform of leaders dedicated to nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation organised by UNODA and sponsored by the Government of Japan, present the following recommendations and uphold the following commitments:


Pillar 1: Hibakusha and Community Engagement

1 被爆者とコミュニティの関与

  1. We emphasise the importance of integrating Hibakusha narratives into dialogues about nuclear weapons and commit to aiding in the full inclusion of Hibakusha narratives in societal, educational, and policy-making spheres. We will continue to pursue our advocacy efforts of engaging with Member States with the aim of ensuring that Hibakusha, as well as other affected communities and marginalised groups across the globe, including, but not limited to, women, youth, indigenous populations, persons of colour, persons with disabilities, economically disadvantaged individuals, particularly those living in rural areas, are informed of and consulted  at relevant international fora on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation matters.

1. 私たちは、核兵器に関する対話に被爆者の方々体験談を取り入れる重要性を強調し、その体験談が社会、教育、政策決定の領域に完全に含まれるよう支援することを約束します。私たちは、被爆者の方々に加え、女性、若者、先住民族、有色人種、障害者、都市部以外に住み経済的に困難な状況にある人々など、世界中で核の影響を受けたコミュニティや周縁化されている人々が、核軍縮および不拡散に関する国際フォーラムで情報を得られ、意見が反映されるようにするためのアドボカシー活動を継続していきます。

  1. We commend community-led initiatives that raise awareness on the humanitarian and environmental impacts of nuclear weapons and commit to support and collaborate with ongoing and future initiatives by affected communities through the Youth Leader Fund platform.

2. 私たちは、核兵器の人道的および環境への影響についての認識を高めるコミュニティ主導の取り組みを称賛し、ユース非核リーダー基金のプラットフォームを通じて、核の影響を受けたコミュニティによる現在および将来の取り組みを支援し、協力することを約束します。

  1. We call upon Member States and relevant parties to honour affected communities in line with international obligations and express our determination to work with our respective governments in raising awareness on the long-term impacts of nuclear weapons use, focusing on disciplines including, but not limited to, the environmental, political, health, historical and cultural consequences of nuclear weapon use. We urge that transparency and accountability regarding nuclear policies be prioritised by Member States.

3. 私たちは、加盟国および関連する関係者に対し、国際的な義務に沿って核の影響を受けたコミュニティを尊重するよう要請し、各国政府と協力して核兵器使用による環境、政治、健康、歴史、文化的な側面などにおける長期的影響についての人々の関心を高めるよう取り組む決意を表明します。また、加盟国には、核政策に関する透明性と説明責任を重視するよう強く求めます。

Pillar 2: Youth Participation in Political and Inter-Governmental Processes

2 若者の政治および政府間プロセスへの参加

  1. We reaffirm the importance of sustaining and accelerating youth participation in achieving global disarmament goals. We recognize and endorse the vital contributions of global youth-led initiatives at all levels towards advancing nuclear disarmament. We pledge to engage with participants of the Youth Leader Fund and other programmes of the United Nations, particularly UNODA, to work on collaborative projects whilst urging world leaders to consider our collective voice, which calls upon Member States to meaningfully engage young people in their work to strengthen international, regional and national nuclear disarmament commitments.

1. 私たちは、グローバルな軍縮目標の達成に向けた若者の参加を持続させ、加速させる重要性を再確認します。また、核軍縮の推進に向けた若者主導の取り組みが果たす重要な役割を認識し、支持します。私たちは、ユース非核リーダー基金や国連、特に国連軍縮部の他のプログラムの参加者と共同プロジェクトに取り組むことを誓い、世界の指導者に対して、各国が若者を意味ある形で関与させ、国際的、地域的、国家的な核軍縮のコミットメントの強化を求める声を真摯に受け止めるよう要請します。

  1. We pledge to actively support Member States and international and regional organisations to prioritise and ensure the meaningful inclusion of youth representatives in all diplomatic and political processes related to nuclear disarmament. We will support opportunities for youth dialogue and engagement and actively participate in international discussions on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, ensuring the continuous engagement of youth. We also commit to the empowerment and mobilization of localised youth efforts to lead grassroots movements, directly engaging fellow youth members in significant actions that can shape nuclear policy discussions. We encourage the fostering of intergenerational dialogue and capacity-building programmes to equip youth with skills and knowledge needed for effective nuclear disarmament advocacy, supported by mentorship from peers, experienced practitioners, diplomats and advocates.

2. 私たちは、加盟国および国際機関、地域機関が、核軍縮に関連するすべての外交的および政治的プロセスにおいて、若者代表の意義ある参加を重視し、確保するよう積極的に支援することを誓います。私たちは、若者による対話と関与の機会を支援し、核軍縮および不拡散に関する国際的な議論に積極的に参加し、若者の継続的な関与を確保します。また、地域に根ざした若者の取り組みを強化し、草の根活動を先導させ、核政策を巡る議論に影響を及ぼす重要な行動に直接関与させることを約束します。さらに、世代間対話とキャパシティ・ビルディングに向けたプログラムを促進し、若者に核軍縮アドボカシーに必要なスキルと知識を提供し、同様の志を持つ若者、経験豊富な実務者、外交官、軍縮の支持者からのメンターシップによって支援することを約束します。

  1. We further commit to leveraging the Youth Leader Fund platform to foster regional and global partnerships, strengthen synergies and promote meaningful engagement between civil society and Member States. We look forward to enhancing youth participation in political and diplomatic processes and elevating the next generation of leaders to work for a nuclear-weapon-free world.

3. 私たちは、ユース非核リーダー基金のプラットフォームを活用して、地域的および国際的なパートナーシップを助長し、相乗効果を強化し、市民社会と加盟国相互の意義ある関与を促進することを約束します。私たちは、政治的および外交的プロセスにおける若者の参加が増加し、核兵器のない世界の実現に向けて次世代のリーダーを育成できることを期待します。

Pillar 3: Research and Academia

3 研究とアカデミア

  1. We pledge to collaborate with educational and research institutions to integrate peace and disarmament education into curricula. We also offer to aid these institutions in challenging narratives that support the strategic success of nuclear weapons use, through evidence-based research that addresses the multidisciplinary aspects of the nuclear disarmament field.

1. 私たちは、教育機関および研究機関と協力して、平和と軍縮に関する教育をカリキュラムに組み入れることを誓います。また、核兵器使用によって戦略目標を達成し得るという主張に反論するため、核軍縮の多面的な側面を扱う証拠に基づいた研究を通じて、これらの機関を支援することを約束します。

  1. We pledge to advocate for the establishment of channels for exchanges between young scholars and practitioners from military, diplomatic, and scientific fields to advance the forging of a robust legal framework on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.

2. 私たちは、核軍縮及び不拡散に関する確固たる法的枠組みの構築を進めるため、軍事、外交、科学の各分野からの若手の研究者と実務者との交流のための仕組みを設けることを提唱します。

  1. We commit to promoting the partnership and synergies with research institutes and other relevant academic institutions to enhance the importance of an intersectional approach to nuclear issues, including, but not limited to, gender, decolonization, environmental matters, humanitarian concerns, scientific advancements, economic impacts and emerging technology threats such as artificial intelligence, prioritising human control in nuclear systems and focusing on challenges posed by lethal autonomous weapons systems, information and communications technologies, missile technologies, and space based technologies.

3. 私たちは、研究機関やその他の関連学術機関とのパートナーシップと相乗効果を促進し、核問題に対する交差的アプローチの重要性を高めることを約束します。このアプローチには、ジェンダー、脱植民地化、環境問題、人道的懸念、科学的進展、経済的影響、そして人工知能、核システムにおける人間の関与の確保、また自律型致死兵器システム、情報通信技術、ミサイル技術、宇宙技術が引き起こす課題への対応などの新興技術の脅威の問題などが含まれます。

United by a shared vision to achieve a world without nuclear weapons, we, the inaugural cohort of the Youth Leader Fund, commit to guide and enlighten the world toward a future where peace prevails, where the shadow of nuclear devastation is forever banished, and where nuclear warfare is merely a relic of the past, never to be repeated.
