Workshop on Promoting National Awareness of UNSCR 1540(2004)

يوليو 19th, 2024

From 11-12 July 2024, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, with the support of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs and funding from the European Union, conducted its first-ever ‘Workshop on Promoting National Awareness of UNSCR 1540 (2004)’ in the country. More than 50 participants were in attendance, including national authorities from 12 relevant ministries, six international and regional organizations, and three neighbouring States, Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia and the Philippines.  [CG1] 

The primary aim of the two-day workshop was to raise awareness concerning[CG2]  UNSCR 1540’s main provisions by providing an overview of the resolution with an emphasis on its relevance to national security and international peace. By enriching national participants’ understanding of UNSCR 1540, including its objectives, inter-relation with the international and regional legally binding instruments on disarmament and the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and other related regimes and organisations, Indonesia is now in a better position to build its national capacity to strengthen its implementation of the resolution. [CG3] 

On day one, the Indonesian authorities made a presentation on the recent steps the country has taken to boost the implementation of UNSCR 1540. Mr. Luiz Carlos de Faria, Member of the 1540 Committee Group of Experts then provided an overview of UNSCR 1540 and its successor resolutions, the country’s 1540 Matrix, and the 1540 Committee’s Assistance Matchmaking Mechanism[CG4] . The Office for Disarmament Affairs delivered a presentation on Voluntary 1540 National Action Plans and their value in organizing a State’s implementation efforts and sequencing related actions. On day two, participants learned  about neighbouring Southeastern Asian countries experiences in implementing UNSCR 1540.  These discussions served as a helpful and practical exchange of regional lessons learned and best practices. Finally, the workshop provided international and regional organizations with a platform to showcase their 1540-related support to Indonesia as well as an opportunity to outline areas of support and delivery modalities with the respective stakeholders at the national level. 

The workshop benefitted from the high-level participation of national authorities, including Ambassador Tri Tharyat, Deputy Minister for Multilateral Affairs, and Mr. Caka Alverdi Awal, Director for International Security and Disarmament of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and a representative of the donor, Mr. Stephane Mechati, Minister Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission of the European Union Delegation in the Republic of Indonesia.  [CG5] 

For further information, please contact Ms. Amanda Cowl, UNODA’s 1540 Regional Coordinator for Asia and the Pacific (

 [CG1]This doesn’t make any sense- if it is just three neighboring states then why not delete “such as”?

 [CG2]If you prefer, you could also use “about”

 [CG3]  I have made some suggested amendments and also this is a bit of a run on sentence  so you may wish to shorten

 [CG4]Best not to  have an acronym at the beginning of a sentence.

 [CG5]This sounds slightly off- presumably Indonesia funded the event not this individual. But the meaning is clear Your call.