To Japan and back: Participants of prestigious Youth Leader Fund officially adopt their “DeclarACTION”  

أكتوبر 7th, 2024

After visiting Hiroshima and Nagasaki, young leaders are determined to work towards a world without nuclear weapons

The recent inaugural Study Visit to Japan was the culmination of the first iteration of the Youth Leader Fund for a World without Nuclear Weapons (YLF), an innovative programme organized by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) with strong political support and generous financial contributions from the Government of Japan. 

On this Study Visit, selected youth leaders from 37 countries visited Nagasaki, Hiroshima, and Tokyo, where they met with local youth, government and city officials, as well as Hibakusha – survivors of the atomic bombings. Together, they learned firsthand about the consequences of use of nuclear weapons, met with Hibakusha, organized the international Youth Leader Conference, and adopted a declaration outlining their commitment to and concrete proposals for a world free of nuclear weapons. 

YLF Participants at the Nagasaki Peace Memorial.

“It is our duty to be the change-makers, ensuring that the legacy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki leads us to a more peaceful and just world for all,” said Mashaal Shahnawaz from Pakistan, an undergraduate student specializing in strategic and nuclear studies and a YLF Participant. 

“The ultimate aim of this programme is to bring the lessons of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to the world, and the world to Hiroshima and Nagasaki,” noted Radha Day, Chief, Regional Disarmament, Information and Outreach Branch at UNODA.

YLF Participants learning traditional Japanese calligraphy with messages focused on peace. 

Indeed, this is precisely what the YLF Participants have committed to in their Declaration for a World Without Nuclear Weapons or simply “DeclarACTION.” Based on three pillars, Hibakusha and Community Engagement, Youth Participation in Political and Inter-Governmental Processes, and Research and Academia, the text includes strong commitments and insightful recommendations that lead to creative and practical solutions.  

“We, the inaugural cohort of the Youth Leader Fund, commit to guide and enlighten the world toward a future where peace prevails, where the shadow of nuclear devastation is forever banished, and where nuclear warfare is merely a relic of the past, never to be repeated,” the DeclarACTION reads. 


YLF Participants adopt the DeclarACTION. 

UNODA’s commitment to youth engagement, education and empowerment is evidenced by its flagship youth outreach programme, #Youth4Disarmament that includes numerous projects, programmatic initiatives and campaigns where thousands of young people from around the world participate actively. 

“Through the YLF, the 100 young participants were trusted with a lot of responsibility,” commented James Cooke, YLF Project Coordinator at UNODA, noting that the YLF participants were fully in charge of the Youth Leader Conference as well as drafting and adopting the DeclarACTION. 

 “Furthermore, while the Study Visit and the first phase of the programme is coming to an end, the participants are now poised to apply their new knowledge and skills within their communities. We look forward to following and championing their nuclear disarmament journeys.” 

YLF Participants at the inaugural Youth Leader Conference in Hiroshima, Japan.

On the final day of the Study Visit, youth leaders visited the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tokyo, where they led a discussion session with Special Advisor to the Prime Minister in charge of key policies including national security and nuclear disarmament as well as non-proliferation issues.  

YLF Participants at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tokyo.

Throughout the whole Study Visit, Participants also spent time exploring the Japanese culture. Together, they took a cooking class and learned how to make the traditional okonomiyaki pancakes and folded over 100 origami cranes for their collaborative creative project. 

In the upcoming months, UNODA will continue to share insights from the inaugural Study Visit. To be the first to know, follow UNODA on Instagram